
Related to to-do: To-Do List


1. noun A commotion, bustle, or fuss. I've never understood why everyone makes such a to-do over the Super Bowl each year. There has been a rather large to-do ever since the company revealed that it had been selling user data to third-party companies.
2. noun Something that one still intends or is required to do or accomplish. There's something deeply satisfying about crossing another to-do off the list I've still go so many to-dos that I feel like I haven't made any progress at all.
3. adjective Indicating a place in which various tasks one still must complete are collected or listed. I find a to-do list to be the only way I can keep my projects organized. It turns out the manager had just been dumping all our urgent emails in a big to-do folder on his computer, which he subsequently forgot about.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a commotion. They made quite a to-do about the broken window.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • angle
  • angling
  • high
  • high, wide, and handsome
  • wear (one's) apron high
  • fire and brimstone
  • bummer
  • swag
References in periodicals archive
Trolo mobile app, a personal concierge, digital assistant, and to-do application, is now available for download via iTunes and the Google Play Store.
It also eats my time with nothingness, which puts me farther behind on my to-do list.
Users can lock notes and to-do lists via PIN, pattern, password or fingerprint, to protect confidential information.
You can now check your Reminders app on the ( macOS to see that your Microsoft To-Do and Cortana reminders are already synced up.
Fortunately, there is a simple way to reorganize the traditional to-do list into a tool that clearly defines the most important tasks, while indicating the optimal order in which to tackle them.
Two-thirds (67%) feel like they are operating on autopilot, meaning to-do lists get forgotten.
It might be a hard-sell with perfectly functional calendar and to-do apps coming from Apple and already installed on your iPhone.
What happens with many success seekers is that the short range to-dos on our ever-present lists trump the long-range investments.
Now it has been revealed that it is incredibly simple to doze off, as soon as your head hit the pillow - all you need to do is, write a very specific to-do list.
TO-DO apps have loomed large on these pages, and with good reason.
DOO (iOS, PS3.99) TO-DO apps pretty much all follow the same pattern.
I'VE tried all kinds of to-do apps, and they pretty much all follow the same pattern.
Not an Arya Stark-style kill list, but specifically a to-do list of all those tasks and jobs which you haven't yet got round to doing.
Try writing a "to-do" list at bedtime as it may aid in falling asleep, a new study suggests.
Microsoft is replacing the Wunderlist to-do app with the To-Do app, which integrates all Office applications.