Joe Blow

Joe Blow

The average man or person. Primarily heard in US. Obviously this issue is going to resonate with some special interest groups, but do you really think Joe Blow will care? We can't hire any Joe Blow as our spokesperson. We need someone recognizable, who the public already likes.
See also: blow, joe
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Joe Blow

and Joe Doakes (ˈdʒo ˈblo and ˈdʒo ˈdoks)
n. a typical or average male American citizen. What do you think Joe Blow really thinks about all this? Joe Doakes thinks the government ought to pay for all medical care.
See also: blow, joe
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

Joe Blow

An ordinary person. That phrase meant just an average guy—any old Joe (“Joe Doakes” was a variation). It was the predecessor of “Joe Sixpack.” In fact, “Joe” was such a common first name (or nickname) that it became a slang word for coffee, which was also found everywhere.
See also: blow, joe
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • Doakes
  • up on (one's) ear
  • chip
  • chips
  • Two Bob
  • mutton
  • dead as mutton
  • (as) dead as mutton
  • be well in
  • be well in (with)
References in periodicals archive
Every year, I usually get a few entries that are submitted under the reverse of "you can judge a book by its cover." It will come expensively bound, with a cover sheet written by some high mucky-muck in the organization about how columnist Joe Blow is a vital voice to the community, an award-winning journalist whose prose shines through, stunning readers with his soul-searching, heart-rending, penetrative ratiocination.
Senate may not care what Joe Blow thinks about the national debt and may not listen, but the supervisors are right there-close, accessible, within shouting distance.
"If we're portraying illiteracy as some sort of disease, then the employer, who may be very community-minded, is naturally going to say, "I can't go up to Joe Blow and say why don't you join this basic literacy course?'"
JOE BLOW Root walks off to leave Lakmal celebrating with Chandimal
''Joe Blow is not going to know that now an organ is defined as also including a hand or a face,'' said Dr.
And sometimes cream pies are thrown at Joe Blow, and sometimes they hit Bill Gates, Milton Friedman and the CEO of Monsanto.
I'm Joe Blow and I'm working on the new Al Pacino movie.
An outspoken Utah publisher, who lives up to the name of his weekly newspaper, has dropped a court report column to protest an ordinance that he says protects officials from unfavorable publicity but not "Joe Blow."
I didn't lose to Joe Blow and Blow Joe - I lost to Martinez and Hopkins."
DESPAIR: Lampard' JOE BLOW: Cole can't believe it at the end
"Joe Blow, Yogi Bear, there are a number of different names chiefs have citations written out for," Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association executive director A.
JOE BLOW: Injured Worsley will miss England's Autumn matches
Like he was any old Joe Blow. Like my line's hot with the best footballers in the world wanting to talk.
They're a million miles removed from your average Joe Blow. They're odds players who risk soul if not body.
Right: Joe blows out the candle on his birthday cake helped by Trinity church minister the Rev Alison Crookes and senior steward Roger Hammond (AC070313Ejoe-01)