go weak in the knees

go weak in the knees

To become unsteady or flustered due to having a strong emotional reaction to someone or something. Hearing the news of my father's sudden death, I went weak in the knees and could barely remain standing. Just thinking about Samantha makes me go weak in the knees.
See also: go, knee, weak
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be/go weak at the knees
  • go weak at the knees
  • weak in the knees
  • hit (one) for six
  • hit someone for six
  • hit/knock somebody/something for six
  • lurch toward (someone or something)
  • hard to take
  • knock (one) for six
  • knock someone for six
References in periodicals archive
Most pizza aficionados will love the Vegan Notzzarella or the Vegan Notzzarella Uncheddar options, and veggie lovers will go weak in the knees for the Vegan Spinach Chumus or Vegan Veggie Chumus.
I know thousands of females who go weak in the knees just by hearing Eminem's name (Letters, 12/11/00).
The deadline that the biological universe has sent me on this hazy summer day coincides with the deadline for this column so perfectly, I fear I have no choice but to expose you, dear reader, to my dilemma I sit at my desk and contemplate what to tell you about arriving, not so blithely, at that perilous status that makes grown-ups go weak in the knees. No, it's not love; I'm talking about age and, more specifically, the infamous landmark of 50.