
Related to Government: Forms of government, Types of Government

close enough for government work

Good enough; OK; only satisfactory. The phrase implies that government work is usually of mediocre quality. When my project ripped in half as I walked out the door, my mom glued it back together and sent me on my way, saying, "It's close enough for government work!"
See also: close, enough, government, work

good enough for government work

Serviceable or adequate; passably sufficient. The phrase implies that government work is usually of mediocre quality. When my project ripped in half as I walked out the door, my mom glued it back together and sent me on my way, saying, "It's good enough for government work!" A: "Are you sure this report is ready to be published? There are a lot of issues with some of the research." B: "Meh. Good enough for government work."
See also: enough, good, government, work

governments have long arms

proverb The controlling sovereign or government of a given nation has broad, far-reaching power and influence that it can use to control or punish people. You do realize that the government is able to track just about every move you make, right? Remember—governments have long arms. The brigands thought they would be safe hiding out in this small provincial town, but governments have long arms, and they were eventually caught and hanged.
See also: arm, government, have, long

kings have long arms

proverb The controlling sovereign or government of a given nation has broad, far-reaching power and influence that it can use to control or punish people. You do realize that the government is able to track just about every move you make, right? Remember—kings have long arms. The brigands thought they would be safe hiding out in this small provincial town, but kings have long arms, and they were eventually caught and hanged.
See also: arm, have, king, long
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

close enough for government work

 and good enough for government work
sufficiently close; done just well enough. (Alludes to the notion that work for the government is not done with care or pride.) I didn't do the best job of mending your shirt, but it's close enough for government work.
See also: close, enough, government, work

Kings have long arms.

 and Governments have long arms.
Prov. Those who are in power can always catch and punish people who have opposed them, no matter how far away those opponents may go. After his attempt to assassinate the king, the prince sailed to a distant country, although his wife warned him it would be to no avail. "Kings have long arms," she reminded him.
See also: arm, have, King, long
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • close enough for government work
  • good enough for government work
  • add up to the same thing
  • amount to the same thing
  • amount/come to the same thing
  • blessed with (something)
  • not (even) go there
  • not go there
  • send (one) on (one's) way
  • the noose is hanging
References in periodicals archive
Nevertheless, throughout the developing world, there is an increasingly strong need for the organized dissemination of government information.
Or is the government simply letting people speak up online as a means of identifying opposition figures and troublemakers?
Several questions asked by the Kaiser Family Foundation poll followed this formula: "I'm going to read you a list of things some people have said about allowing the federal government to use its buying power to negotiate with drug companies to try to get a lower price for prescription drugs for people on Medicare, and I'd like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.
As elimination of the capital gains tax for charitable gifts cuts deeper into revenues, the federal government will look for more ways to cut the government funding of voluntary organizations.
Nortel Government Solutions is a network-centric integrator, providing the services expertise, mission-critical systems and secure communications that empower government to ensure the security, livelihood, and well being of its citizens.
By contrast, our unified governments have gone on fiscal benders.
This standard is phased in depending on a government's annual revenue in the first fiscal year ending after June 15, 1999, which was the basis for implementation of another important GASB statement on basic financial statements implemented in a similar phased-in fashion.
Clinton left the federal government with a budget surplus of $237 billion.
Motivated to change the college's connections with government, leaders at Housatonic put resources into two economic-impact studies that aimed to answer, in practical ways, one question: What does it mean for the city and the region to have Housatonic Community College downtown?
The controversy was triggered when in 1999 government officials seized shipments of the tea, which is produced from plants grown in the rainforests.
* French and Luxemburg government resistance against the hostile takeover bid by Mittal Steel, the world's largest steelmaker, on behalf of its French/Luxembourg rival Arcelor;
Positivo Informatica, Brazil's largest personal computer maker since 2004, owes its growth--and success--to the Brazilian government. The 17-year-old company sold 90% of its products to the government in 2004.
In a typical acquisition program, the Army would establish a Project Manager Office (PMO), staffed by government employees, that would be responsible for awarding and managing a contract to a prime contractor who would then be responsible for designing and building the weapon system.
Ten to 15 years ago, Congress and the federal government took every opportunity to entice the private sector into doing business with federal agencies by changing the rules for government contracting to more closely approach those for commercial contracts.
Government report says TSA mismanaged funds at operations center.