brass monkey weather

brass monkey weather

Extremely cold weather. Though often believed to refer to so-called "brass monkeys" of a naval ship (brass trays where cannonballs were supposedly stored), this has been widely discredited as anachronistic; it is more likely a semi-vulgar reference to bronze replicas of the Three Wise Monkeys (i.e., "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil") often sold as popular tourist souvenirs in China and Japan. Primarily heard in UK. I'm so sick of the brass monkey weather this winter—I've been constantly cold for months!
See also: brass, monkey, weather
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
  • it's brass monkeys outside
  • brass monkeys
  • down to brass tacks
  • brass balls
  • the woman on the street
  • top brass
  • top brass, the
  • the top brass
References in periodicals archive
IT'S brass monkey weather - even for the monkeys at Dudley Zoo.
You don't want to be getting your kit off when it's brass monkey weather.
It was brass monkey weather and Celtic's defending resembled a chimps' tea party at times.
AND I thought 10 weeks in the frozen Minnesotan wilds for Fargo was bad enough, but last week's episode of A Cabbie Abroad (BBC Two) took brass monkey weather to nether-perishing extremes.
The reaction we've had to it has been brilliant." | Watch the video at IT'S BRASS MONKEY WEATHER A ZOO proved it is real brass monkey weather yesterday - by wrapping up their chimps in blankets.
With all the brass monkey weather at home, if nothing else this result should have warmed everyone up a bit.
I suggest a better name would be the winter of the Brass Monkey, because it's brass monkey weather we are likely to get.
BRASS MONKEY WEATHER: Have you got any gloves, mum?
It may be brass monkey weather - but it's also beautiful.
The Arctic brass monkey weather is likely to be the worst this winter.
Prince Charles, clearly in good humour, said: "As it is proverbially brass monkey weather I won't keep you long.
We were on location in the Highlands in the most freezing period of the year you can imagine - it was November and it was brass monkey weather. I remember a line in the script which went something like: 'this was the other side of the Highland experience '.
But on this occasion we had driven into town together, parked in the multi storey and by the time we reached BHS I realised I was in danger of frostbite in a sensitive area because I was wearing a wind cheater in what was brass monkey weather. My wife, meanwhile, was snug as a bug in a rug.
Let's have the likes of the Beeb's Carol Kirkwood, above left, telling us if it's going to be brass monkey weather, coming down in stair-rods, or - please - hot enough to fry your brains out.
TWO shivering Barbary macaques cuddled up to keep out the cold as brass monkey weather gripped Scotland.