
Related to intermarry: irreligious

intermarry with (someone)

1. To wed someone who is part of a different group (i.e. race, religion, clan, etc.). I was raised Catholic, but I'm going to intermarry with a Jew because she happens to be the love of my life.
2. To wed someone who is part of one's same group (i.e. race, religion, clan, etc.). As a devout Catholic, it was important for me to intermarry with a Catholic.
See also: intermarry
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

intermarry with someone

[for members of a group] to marry into another group, race, or clan. Our people don't intermarry with people of that clan. They do not intermarry with other groups on purpose.
See also: intermarry
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • intermarry with
  • intermarry with (someone)
  • if and when
  • what happens in (some place) stays in (that place)
  • can count on the fingers of one hand
  • count (something) on the fingers of one hand
  • count something on the fingers of one hand
  • if anything happens
  • us
  • by the time
References in periodicals archive
Both Jewish men and women who intermarry are likely to continue to identify as Jewish.
Women who intermarry are more educated, older, and speak better English.
Exceptions to this general tendency include British Catholics and Other Protestants where more men and women than the size of their group would suggest intermarry. In the case of British Catholics this may be attributed to their intermediary situation, sharing their religion with French Catholics and their origins and language with British Protestants as well as a diminishing sense of their 'otherness' in light of the influx of newcomers originating from other parts of Europe.
(4) Persons from ethnic groups that are more similar with regard to social and demographic characteristics, such as educational attainment, residential location and language, for example, are more likely to intermarry because they encounter fewer barriers to social interaction.
The Garifuna rarely intermarry with other ethnic groups and proudly protect their customs, language, and traditions.
In his conclusions, he also notes that Chinese women tend to intermarry more often than men and posits that gender might also be added into the criteria for further study.
'Over 15 generations the family would continue to intermarry with Welsh families.'
On February 19, 1811, Mr Grieveson wrote: "I hereby declare that if my son William Grieveson shall at any time intermarry with Mary Lumley, then the whole remaining part of his share of the money shall, from the time of such marriage, cease and become forfeited.
The real story serves as the setting for this imaginative story of one May Dodd and the pioneer women who travel to the Native worlds to intermarry. A vivid story of courage, romance and cross-cultural relations evolves.
First generation Italian workers settled in cities where they were more liable to find industrial jobs, to open small businesses and to intermarry with the French.
In a sort of "imitation of life," the members of the six families meet, intermarry, separate, are born, work, and die in the immensity of a continent that never becomes truly theirs.
nor of making voters or jurors of them or qualifying them to hold office, nor to have them intermarry with White people ...
'The Herberts were the most ambitious crowd of Morgans, who wanted to intermarry with everyone.'
One will occasionally hear people say Jews should not intermarry lest they "give Hitler a posthumous victory" (Emil Fackenheim's famous quote), but this assertion is considered by some to be deeply offensive because it effectively equates intermarriage with mass murder.
Lese and Efe communities trade, intermarry, form family partnerships, and otherwise interact closely.