
Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers.


1. verb, vulgar slang For several people to engage in sexual intercourse with one person, either at once or in succession.
2. verb, offensive slang To rape a person with several other perpetrators; to perpetrate a gang rape. This usage is considered offensive due to likening an instance of rape with a consensual act.
3. noun, vulgar slang An instance in which several people engage in sexual intercourse with one person, either at once or in succession.
4. noun, offensive slang A rape by multiple perpetrators; a gang rape. This usage is considered offensive due to likening an instance of rape with a consensual act.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


See gang-bang
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • gangshag
  • flag
  • flagged
  • flagging
  • bone
  • bones
  • crap
  • crapped
  • craps
  • jerk off