Rather, as directed by Roar Uthaug, The Wave adds credible writing and effective acting to
gangbusters special effects, resulting in a white-knuckle experience a bit higher on the plausibility scale than what we're used to from Hollywood versions of the genre.
'The Wave' shows how to make a disaster film
It's going up like
gangbusters, hasn't slowed down.
Ask a climate scientist: Global Warming Pause?
Though it sells
gangbusters in liquor store aisles across the continent, it has yet to make it big on American shores.
Picking drinks is hard
"Employment growth is decent but not
gangbusters," said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Inc.
Employment grows at steady pace in US
With more than 18 million current undergraduates--who pay average annual tuition of $32,000 each--the market for higher education seems to be going
Failing college: why are we screwing up the world's best higher education system?
gangbusters have seized more than PS170,000 from a Lebanese crook embroiled in a series of international frauds.
PS170,000 seized from fraudster
Japan production will also go
gangbusters in overseas markets targeting teens and genre fans.
Rurouni Kenshin
Apparently, sales are goin' like
gangbusters, and even men who don't frequent Mavericks are stopping by for a quick drink and a bottle of Alibi.
New product idea
The automotive industry has been going
gangbusters in the last few months." He added: "What we're seeing is the private sector demonstrating very clearly that it can, even in very difficult times, take up the slack of jobs lost in the public sector."
Jobless rate masks the true story
While SPB may not be going
gangbusters, Avaya says components of VENA -- such as switch clustering, "enhanced" Shortest Path Bridging,wirelessnetworking, network access control, and network management- are being picked up by customers.
Avaya beefs up switch architecture
Inaugurating a design language in any industry has its risks, not least being that the new look goes over
gangbusters in one market but tanks in another.
Evolution resolution: Ford's latest prototype heralds a new, global era of unified car culture
* The Gilad Shalit shirt is selling like
gangbusters in Gaza.
Sundown: The Fall Collection from Hamas
"Rick Perry is coming on like
gangbusters, and that has forced all the other presidential contenders to step up-or at least recalibrate-their march toward the White House.
The Midday Brief: Aug. 19, 2011
"Now we know they are there and they are growing like
NASA telescope finds earliest black holes at dawn of universe
GANGBUSTERS have seized another loaded gun after a police raid in Birmingham.