be into (someone or something)
1. informal To be romantically interested in someone. A: "I think Claire is into you, dude." B: "Really? Should I ask her out?" We had a couple really nice dates together, but I'm just not that into him.
2. informal To be very interested in or passionate about something. Chris is very into the Flyers, so I got him tickets to an upcoming game for Christmas. Jean's been very into photography lately, and she's pretty darn good at it!
in(to) the bargain
On top of everything else; in addition to what was already stated or expected. Their new head of research has multiple degrees—and is a classically trained pianist into the bargain! As if the strong winds weren't enough, we got hale in the bargain as well.
See also: bargain
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
/in the bargain Over and above what is expected; in addition.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
- (all) rolled into one
- (deep) into the weeds
- (one's) heart sinks into (one's) boots
- A into G
- What's got into?
- What's got(ten) into (someone)?
- You cannot get a quart into a pint pot
- You'll get onto it
- a fly will not get into a closed mouth
- absorb (someone or something) in(to)
- absorb (someone or something) in(to) (something)
- ace in(to something)
- ace into something
- add (something) into
- add (something) into (something)
- add into
- admit (someone or something) into
- admit (someone or something) into (something or some place)
- admit into
- allow (someone or something) in(to)
- allow (someone or something) in(to) (something or some place)
- allow into a place
- argue (one) into
- argue into doing
- ask (one) in(to some place)
- ask (one) in(to)
- assimilate (oneself/someone/something) into
- assimilate into
- avoid the trap of (doing something)
- back (one or oneself) into a corner
- back in(to) (the) harness
- back in(to) circulation
- back into
- back into (someone or something)
- back into a corner
- back oneself into a corner
- back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner
- badger into
- bang (one's) head into a brick wall
- bang into
- barge in
- barge in(to)
- barge into
- barrel in(to)
- be backed into a corner
- be dragged kicking and screaming
- be in (someone's) bad books
- be in a flap
- be in a tizz(y)
- be in/get into a flap
- be in/get into somebody's good/bad books
- be in/go into free fall
- be in/go into raptures
- be into
- be into (someone or something)
- be into (someone) for (something)
- be into (something)
- be into somebody for something
- be into something
- be nestled (up) into (something or some place)
- be pissing in(to) the wind
- be plugged into (something)
- be spitting in(to) the wind
- be thrown in the deep end
- be thrown into the scale (of something)
- be/get in/into a tizzy/tizz
- beat (someone or something) into (something)
- beat (something) into (someone's) head
- beat into
- beat into one's head
- beat one's head against the wall
- beat swords into ploughshares
- beat swords into plowshares
- beat/turn swords into ploughshares
- beguile (someone) into (doing something)
- beguile into
- bite into
- bite into (something or someone)
- blackmail (someone) into (something)
- blackmail into doing
- blend in(to) (something)
- blend into
- blend into the woodwork
- blend/fade into the woodwork
- blossom into
- blossom into (something)
- blow in(to)
- blow into
- bluff (one's) way into (something)
- bluff (someone) into (something)
- bluff into
- bore into
- bore into (someone or something)
- bounce into (someone or something)
- box (oneself) into a corner
- box (someone) into a corner
- break in(to) tears
- break into
- break into a gallop
- break into a smile
- break out in(to) tears
- breathe (new) life into (someone or something)
- breathe into
- breathe into (something)
- breathe life into
- breathe life into something
- breeze in(to)
- bribe (someone) into (doing something)
- bribe into doing
- bring (someone or something) into action
- bring (someone or something) into contact with (someone or something)
- bring (someone or something) into disrepute
- bring (someone or something) into line
- bring (someone or something) into prominence
- bring (someone or something) into question
- bring (someone or something) into view
- bring (someone) into the world
- bring (something) into being
- bring (something) into blossom
- bring (something) into disrepute
- bring (something) into effect
- bring (something) into focus
- bring (something) into force
- bring (something) into play
- bring (something) into service
- bring (something) into sharp relief
- bring into action
- bring into being
- bring into blossom
- bring into contact with
- bring into disrepute
- bring into focus
- bring into line
- bring into play
- bring into prominence
- bring into question
- bring into service
- bring into the world
- bring into view
- bring somebody/something into line
- bring something into force
- bring something into play
- bring/call/put something into play
- bring/call/throw something into question
- bring/put something into effect
- browbeat (one) into (something)
- browbeat into
- build in
- build into
- build into (something)
- bulldoze into
- bulldoze into (something)
- bully (one) into (something)
- bully into
- bump into
- bump into (someone or something)
- bundle (someone) into (something)
- bundle into
- burn (something) into (something)
- burn in(to) (something)
- burn into
- burst into
- burst into (some place)
- burst into (something)
- burst into flame
- burst into flame(s)
- burst into sight
- burst into tears
- burst out into
- burst out into (something)
- butt into
- butt into (something)
- buy (one's) way in(to) (something)
- buy into
- buy into (something)
- buy into, to
- buzz in(to someplace)
- buzz in(to)
- buzz into a place
- cajole (one) into (something)
- cajole (someone) into (something)
- cajole into
- calculate (something) into (something)
- calculate into
- call (someone or something) into question
- call (something) into play
- call in question
- call in(to)
- call into
- call into question
- carry (something) into effect
- carry in(to) (some place)
- carry into some place
- carve (something) into (something)
- carve into
- catapult (someone or something) into (something)
- catapult into
- change into
- change into (something)
- channel (something) in(to) (something)
- charge in(to)
- chase (someone or something) in(to) (some place)
- check into
- chuck (something) in (to something)
- chuck (something) into (something)
- chuck into
- clamber in(to something)
- clap (one) in(to)
- clap (one) in(to) (something or some place)
- claw (one's) way
- claw your way back, into something, out of something, etc.
- click into place
- climb into (something)
- co-opt (one) into (something)
- co-opt into
- coalesce into
- coalesce into (something)
- coax (someone or something) in(to) (something)
- coerce (one) into (something)
- coerce into
- coil up into
- coil up into (something)
- collapse into
- collapse into (something)
- collapse, fall, etc. in/into a heap
- come (in)to (one's) kingdom
- come in(to) contact
- come in(to) heat
- come in(to) line
- come in(to) season
- come into
- come into (one's) head
- come into (one's) own
- come into (some) money
- come into (something or some place)
- come into a (small) fortune
- come into being
- come into bloom
- come into blossom
- come into conflict
- come into effect
- come into existence
- come into fashion
- come into focus
- come into its own
- come into its/your own
- come into line
- come into money
- come into operation
- come into own
- come into play
- come into power
- come into prominence
- come into question
- come into season
- come into service
- come into sight
- come into the open
- come into the world
- come into use
- come into view
- come into your kingdom
- come into your own
- come into your/its own
- come into/go out of use
- come on into (some place)
- come out in the open
- come out in(to) the open
- come up roses
- come/go into effect
- commute (something) into (something)
- commute into
- compartmentalize (something) into (something)
- compartmentalize into
- compress (something) into (something)
- compress into
- con (someone) into (something)
- con into
- condense (something) (in)to (something)
- conduct (someone or something) into (some place)
- conduct into
- conscript into
- conscript into (something)
- convert (in)to (something)
- convert from (something) (in)to (something)
- cow (someone) into (something)
- cow into
- cram into
- cram into (something)
- crank in/into (something)
- crash into
- crash into (someone or something)
- crawl in(to) (some place or thing)
- crawl into (one's) shell
- creep into
- cross over into (some place)
- cross over into some place
- crowd in
- crowd into (something or some place)
- crumble into
- crumble into (something)
- crush (someone or something) (in)to (something)
- cry into (one's) beer
- cry into your beer
- crystal ball, look into one's
- cut in
- cut in(to)
- cut into
- deal (one) into (something)
- deal into
- deceive (someone) into (something)
- deceive into
- degenerate into
- degenerate into (something)
- delude (someone or oneself) into (something)
- delude into
- delve into
- delve into (something)
- deposit (something) in(to) (something)
- descend into
- descend into (something)
- develop from
- develop from (someone or something) into (someone or something)
- develop into (someone or something)
- develop into (someone or something) from (someone or something)
- dial into
- dig (deep) into (one's) pocket(s)
- dig (oneself) in(to) a hole
- dig in
- dig in(to) (something)
- dig into
- dig yourself into a hole
- din (something) into (one)
- din in(to) (someone)
- din into
- dip (in)to (something)
- dip (one's) toe into (something)
- dip in(to) (something)
- dip into
- dip into (one's) pocket
- dip into (one's) savings
- dip into savings
- dip into the blue
- dip into your pocket
- dip one's toes into
- dip your toe into something
- disappear into the woodwork
- disappear into thin air
- disappear, etc. into thin air
- discharge (something) into (something)
- discharge into
- dissolve into
- dissolve into (something)
- dive into
- dive into (something)
- don't put new wine in(to) old bottles
- draft into
- draft into (something)
- drag (someone) into (something)
- drag (someone) kicking and screaming
- drag (something) in(to) (something)
- dragoon (someone) into (something)
- dragoon into
- draw in(to)
- draw in(to) (something)
- draw into
- drift in(to) (something)
- drill in(to) (someone or something)
- drill into
- drip in(to) (something)
- drip into
- drive (oneself) into the ground
- drive (something) into the ground
- drive in(to)
- drive into
- drive into a corner
- drive/run/work yourself into the ground
- drop in(to) (something)
- drop into
- drop into (one's) lap
- drop into place
- drop/fall into somebody's lap
- drum (something) into (one's) head
- drum (something) into (someone's) head
- drum (something) into one's head, to
- drum into
- drum into (one)
- dunk in(to) (something)
- dunk into
- ease into (something)
- ease someone into (something)
- eat into (something)
- embarrass (someone) into (doing something)
- embarrass into doing
- emit (something) from (something) into (something)
- emit (something) into (something)
- empty in(to) (something)
- empty into
- engrave (something) into (something)
- engrave into
- enter in(to) (something)
- enter into
- enter into the spirit
- enter into the spirit (of something)
- entice (someone or something) into (something)
- entrap (someone) in(to) (something) with (something)
- erupt into
- erupt into (something)
- escalate into
- escalate into (something)
- etch (something) in(to) (something)
- evolve from (something) into (something)
- evolve out of (something) into (something)
- expand (something) into (something)
- expand into
- face into
- face into (something)
- fade into
- fade into (something)
- fade into insignificance
- fade into the woodwork
- fall in
- fall in line
- fall in place
- fall in(to)
- fall in(to) line
- fall in(to) place
- fall in(to) the drink
- fall into
- fall into (one's) lap
- fall into (someone or something's) clutches
- fall into (someone or something's) hands
- fall into (someone's or something's) clutches
- fall into (someone's or something's) hands
- fall into a heap
- fall into a trap
- fall into decay
- fall into depression
- fall into despair
- fall into disfavor
- fall into disgrace
- fall into disuse
- fall into error
- fall into lap
- fall into line
- fall into oblivion
- fall into place
- fall into sin
- fall into somebody's hands/the hands of somebody
- fall into someone's hands
- fall into someone's lap
- fall into step
- fall into the hands of (someone or something)
- fall into the hands of (someone)
- fall into the trap
- fall into the trap of (doing something)
- fall into the wrong hands
- fall into your lap
- fall into/avoid the trap of doing something
- fall, drop, etc. into place
- far into the night
- fashion (something) into (something else)
- fashion into
- fast-talk (someone) into (something)
- fast-talk into
- feed (something) back into (something)
- feed back into
- feed into
- feed into (something)
- figure in(to) (something)
- figure into
- figure into (something)
- file in(to something or some place)
- file in(to) (something)
- filter in(to) (some place)
- fire (something) into (someone or something)
- fire into
- fit a quart into a pint pot
- fit in
- fit in(to)
- flash into (one's) mind
- flash into mind
- flash into view
- fling (something) into (something)
- float into
- float into (something)
- flock in(to) (some place or thing)
- flood in(to) (something)
- flop into
- flop into (something)
- flounce into (some place)
- flow in(to) (something)
- fly into
- fly into (someone or something)
- fly into a rage
- fly into a rage, temper, etc.
- fly into a temper
- fly into the face of danger
- fold (something) into (something)
- fold into
- fool (one or oneself) into (something)
- fool into
- force (someone or something) into (something)
- form into
- form into (something)
- form up into (something)
- freeze (something) into (something)
- freeze into
- frighten (one) into (something)
- frighten into
- frighten into doing
- galvanize (one) into action
- galvanize into action
- gather (someone) into (something)
- gather into
- gaze (off) into space
- get (one's) arse in gear
- get (one's) brain in gear
- get (one's) claws into (someone)
- get (one's) hooks into (someone or something)
- get (one's) teeth into (something)
- get (one's)/the knife into (someone)
- get (someone or something) into shape
- get (something) in(to) perspective
- get (something) into (one's) head
- get (something) into (someone's) thick skull
- get a quart into a pint pot
- get hooks in
- get in
- get in(to)
- get in(to) (someone's) pants
- get in(to) a flap
- get in(to) a rut
- get in(to) a snit
- get in(to) a stew
- get in(to) a tizz(y)
- get in(to) deep water
- get in(to) gear
- get in(to) hot water
- get in(to) line
- get in(to) shape
- get in/into one's hair, to
- get in/into the swing
- get into
- get into (bit of) a jam
- get into (one's) head
- get into (one's) stride
- get into (someone's) bad books
- get into a fight
- get into a huddle
- get into a lather
- get into a mess
- get into a stew
- get into an argument
- get into an argument about (someone or something)
- get into an argument about (someone or something) with (someone)
- get into an argument over (someone or something)
- get into an argument over (someone or something) with (someone)
- get into an argument with (someone)
- get into an argument with (someone) about (someone or something)
- get into an argument with (someone) over (someone or something)
- get into bad company
- get into bed with
- get into bed with (someone or something)
- get into bed with someone
- get into debt
- get into gear
- get into hot water, to
- get into it
- get into one's head
- get into print
- get into shape
- get into someone's head
- get into someone’s pants
- get into something
- get into stride
- get into the act
- get into the spirit (of something)
- get into the swing of (things), to
- get into the swing of it/things
- get into the swing of things
- get into the way
- get into the wrong hands
- get into trouble
- get into your stride
- get into/in the act, to
- get into/keep bad company
- get into/out of the way of something/of doing something
- get one's teeth into (something), to
- get one’s hooks into someone
- get one’s hooks into something
- get one’s teeth into something
- get out of the way
- get plugged into (something)
- get somebody into trouble
- get someone into trouble
- get something into your/somebody's head
- get stuck into (something)
- get teeth into
- get the knife into someone
- get through thick skull
- get your arse into gear
- get your brain into gear
- get your claws into
- get your claws into somebody
- get your claws into someone
- get your hooks into somebody
- get your hooks into someone
- get your knife into somebody
- get your teeth into
- get your teeth into something
- get/enter into the spirit of something
- get/go into a huddle
- get/knock/lick somebody/something into shape
- get/pour/put a quart into a pint pot
- get/run into debt
- get/sink your teeth into something
- get/take it into your head that...
- go into
- go into (one's) act
- go into (one's) shell
- go into (something)
- go into a huddle
- go into a nosedive
- go into a song and dance
- go into a song and dance (about something)
- go into a tailspin
- go into act
- go into action
- go into detail
- go into detail(s)
- go into effect
- go into free fall
- go into freefall
- go into hiding
- go into hock
- go into orbit
- go into overdrive
- go into raptures
- go into reverse
- go into service
- go into the same old song and dance (about something)
- go into the service
- go out of use
- go to bed with
- go, etc. into overdrive
- go, retreat, withdraw, etc. into your shell
- go/put something into reverse
- goad (someone) into (something)
- goad into
- grind (something) into (something)
- grind into
- grow into
- grow into (something)
- grow up into
- grow up into (something)
- hammer (something) into (one's) head
- hammer (something) into (one's) thick skull
- hammer (something) into (someone or something)
- hammer into
- hammer into and pound into
- haul into (some place)
- have (one's) knife into (someone)
- head into
- heave into
- heave into sight
- heave into view
- heavy into
- heavy into someone/something
- high-pressure into
- hoodwink into
- hook into
- hot water
- hurl into
- impress (something) into (something)
- impress into
- in a snit
- in a stew
- in circulation
- in commission
- in detail
- in effect
- in focus
- in full swing
- in heat
- in one's shell
- in orbit
- in overdrive
- in perspective
- in place
- in play
- in power
- in the bull pen
- in the care of
- in the distance
- in the doghouse
- in the doldrums
- in the gutter
- in the middle of nowhere
- in the picture, be
- in the reckoning
- in the red
- in trouble with
- in(to) circulation
- in(to) one's shell
- in(to) shape
- in(to) the bargain
- in(to) the swim (of things)
- in/into the distance
- in/into/out of the reckoning
- include (something) in the bargain
- indoctrinate into
- induct into
- infiltrate into
- infuse into
- ingratiate oneself into
- initiate into
- inject into
- inquire into
- inscribe into
- insinuate oneself into
- integrate into
- interject into
- intimidate into
- into
- into a flat spin
- into a spin
- into being
- into cold storage
- into high gear
- into orbit
- into overdrive
- into the background
- into the bargain
- into the blue
- into the distance
- into the drink
- into the dumper
- into the gutter
- into the pot
- into the reckoning
- into the shitter
- into the toilet
- into the wide blue yonder
- into the wild blue yonder
- into thin air
- introduce into
- intrude into
- intrude oneself into
- inveigle into
- invite into some place
- jab into
- jam (someone or something) in(to something)
- jockey into position
- join the fray
- jolly (someone) into (doing) (something)
- jump in
- jump in (at) the deep end
- keep bad company
- kick (something) into the long grass
- kick (something) into touch
- kick something into the long grass
- kick something into touch
- knock (one) into (the middle of) next week
- knock (some) sense in
- knock (some) sense into (one)
- knock (someone or something) into a cocked hat
- knock (someone or something) into shape
- knock into
- knock into a cocked hat
- knock some sense into
- knock somebody/something into a cocked hat
- knock someone into the middle of next week
- knock something into a cocked hat
- knock something/someone into shape
- knock/talk some sense into somebody
- lace into
- lam into
- lam into (someone or something)
- lapse into
- lapse into (something)
- lash into
- launch into
- launch into (something)
- lay into
- lay into (someone or something)
- leach into (something)
- lead into
- lead into (something)
- leak in(to something)
- lean into (someone or something)
- let (someone or something) in(to) (some place)
- let into
- lick (someone or something) into shape
- lick into shape
- lick someone or something into shape
- lick something into shape
- lie (one's) way into (something or some place)
- lie (one's) way out of (something)
- lie your way into/out of something
- light into
- light into (someone or something)
- light into someone
- load into
- lock in
- lodge (something) in(to) (something)
- lodge into (something)
- log into
- look (off) into space
- look into
- look into (something)
- look/stare/gaze into space
- luck into
- luck into (something)
- luck out
- lull (one) into (something)
- lull (one) into a false sense of security
- lull into
- lull into a false sense of security
- lure (someone or something) in(to something or some place)
- make inroads (in/into something)
- make inroads in/into something
- make inroads into
- make into
- maneuver (one) into (doing something)
- maneuver into
- marry into
- marry into (something)
- marry into money
- melt into
- merge into
- merge into the background
- metamorphose into
- mix into
- move (something) into a higher gear
- move into
- move into (some place)
- move up into
- move up into (something or some place)
- mushroom into
- mushroom into (something)
- nail (something) into
- nail into
- nestle (up) into (someone or something)
- nose in
- nose into (something)
- nudge (someone or something) (somewhere)
- nudge (someone) into (doing) (something)
- open into
- open into (something)
- opt in(to something)
- out in the open
- out into the open
- out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
- out of the frying pan into the fire
- out of the reckoning
- overflow into
- pack (something) into
- pack into
- paint (oneself) into a corner
- paint oneself into a corner
- paint yourself into a corner
- pale into insignificance
- parlay (something) into (something else)
- parlay into
- partition (something) into (something)
- pass into
- pass into (something)
- pay into
- pay into (something)
- peek in(to something)
- peep in(to something)
- peer in(to something)
- penetrate into
- penetrate into (someone or something)
- perch on (something)
- permit (one) in(to something or some place)
- permit into
- pester (one) into (doing) (something)
- pester into
- phase into
- pile in(to) something
- pile into
- pilot (something) in(to something or some place)
- pilot into
- pipe (something) into (something or some place)
- pipe into some place
- piss in(to) the wind
- pitch into
- play (right) into (one's) hands
- play (right) into the hands of (one)
- play into hands
- play into somebody's hands
- play into someone's hands
- play into the hands of
- plow (something) back (into something)
- plow back into
- plow into
- plow into (someone or something)
- plug (something) into (something)
- plug into
- plugged in, be
- plunge (something) in(to) (something)
- plunge into
- plunge into (something)
- poke (one's) nose in(to) (something)
- poke into
- poke into (someone or something)
- poke one's nose into
- poke one's nose into, to
- poke your nose into
- poke your nose into something
- poke/stick your nose in/into something
- polarize (one group of people) into (two groups of people)
- polarize into
- pop into
- pop into (someone's) head
- pound (something) into (one's) head
- pound (something) into (one's) thick skull
- pound (something) into (someone or something)
- pour back
- pour back (in(to))
- pour into
- pour oneself into
- pour salt in(to) the/(someone's) wound(s)
- precipitate into
- precipitate into (something)
- press (someone or something) into service
- press (something) into (something)
- press into
- press into service
- press somebody/something into service
- pressure (one) into (doing something)
- pressure into
- probe into
- probe into (something)
- prod into
- project into
- provoke (one) into (doing something)
- provoke into
- pry into
- pry into (something)
- pull in(to) (some place)
- pull into
- pull into a place
- pump (something) into (someone or something)
- pump into
- punch into
- punch into (something)
- push into
- put (one's) back into (something)
- put (one's) backbone into (something)
- put (one's) hand in (one's) pocket
- put (one's) hand into (one's) pocket
- put (one's) hat in(to) the ring
- put (one's) head in the lion's mouth
- put (one's) heart (and soul) into (something)
- put (one's) heart and soul into (something)
- put (one's) nose in(to) (something)
- put (one's) oar in(to) (something)
- put (one) into power
- put (something) in(to) perspective
- put (something) into (one's) head
- put (something) into action
- put (something) into effect
- put (something) into operation
- put (something) into order
- put (something) into play
- put (something) into practice
- put (something) into reverse
- put (something) into service
- put (something) into use
- put (something) into words
- put a (monkey) wrench in(to) the works
- put a spanner in(to) the works
- put all (one's) eggs in one basket
- put all your eggs into one basket
- put an idea in(to) (someone's) head
- put backbone into (one)
- put backbone into someone
- put heart into
- put ideas in(to) (one's) head
- put ideas into head
- put ideas into someone's head
- put in service
- put into
- put into effect
- put into order
- put into power
- put into practice
- put into words
- put money into (something)
- put money into something
- put one's back into it
- put some teeth into
- put something into operation
- put something into practice
- put something into someone's head
- put teeth in(to) (something)
- put the fear of God in (one)
- put the fear of God into
- put the fear of God into (one)
- put the fear of God into somebody
- put the fear of God into someone
- put words in (one's) mouth
- put words in/into somebody's mouth
- put words into (one's) mouth
- put words into someone's mouth
- put words into someone's mouth, to
- put your back into
- put your back into something
- put your hand in/into your pocket
- put your head into the lion's mouth
- race into
- race into (someone or something)
- railroad (one) into (something)
- railroad into
- ram into
- ram into (someone or something)
- reach back into (some point in time)
- reach into (something)
- reach out into
- reach out into (something)
- read (something) into (something)
- read into
- receive (one) into (something or some place)
- receive into
- reckon (someone or something) into (something)
- reckon into
- recruit (one) into (something
- recruit into
- reinstate (one) into (something)
- relapse into
- relapse into (something)
- relax into
- relax into (something)
- remand (one) into the custody of (someone)
- rend (something) into (something)
- rend into
- render (something) into (something)
- research into
- research into (someone or something)
- retire into (something or some place)
- retreat into (one's) shell
- ride (off) into the sunset
- ride off into the sunset
- ride off into the sunset, to
- rip into
- ripen into
- ripen into (something)
- rocket into
- rocket into (something or some place)
- rolled into one
- rope (one) into (doing) (something)
- rope in
- rope in Go to rope into
- rope into
- rope into doing
- rub (something) into (something)
- rub in
- rub into
- rub salt in(to) the/(one's) wound(s)
- rub salt into the wound
- rub salt into the wound/into somebody's wounds
- run (one) into (some place)
- run (oneself or something) into the ground
- run (something) into (something)
- run against
- run into
- run into (someone, something, or some place)
- run into a brick wall
- run into a stone wall
- run into debt
- run into the ground
- run into the sand
- run one's head against (into) a brick/stone wall, to
- run somebody/something into the ground
- run something into the ground
- run yourself into the ground
- rush (something) into print
- rush into
- rush into (something)
- rush into print
- sail into
- sail into (one)
- sail into someone
- saw into
- screw (something) into (something)
- screw into
- scrunch down
- scrunch down into
- scrunch up
- search out
- see into
- seek out
- seep in(to something)
- segregate into
- segregate into (something or some place)
- segue into
- segue into (something)
- send (one) into a tizz(y)
- send in
- send in Go to send into
- send into
- send into (something or some place)
- send into a state or condition
- separate into
- separate into (something)
- set into
- set into (something)
- settle in(to) (something or some place)
- settle into
- settle into (something)
- shade into
- shade into (something)
- show (one) into (some place)
- show into
- show into somewhere
- sign into
- sink (one's) teeth into (something)
- sink back into (something)
- sink into
- sink into depression
- sink into despair
- sink into oblivion
- sink one's teeth into
- sink one's teeth into, to
- sink one’s teeth into something
- sink teeth into
- skid into
- skid into (someone or something)
- skyrocket into (something or some place)
- slam into
- slam into (someone or something)
- slice into (someone or something)
- slide into
- slide into (one's)/the DMs
- slide into (someone or something)
- slink into (some place)
- slip into
- slip into (something or some place)
- slip into (something)
- slip into something more comfortable
- slump down into (something)
- smash into
- smash into (someone or something)
- smuggle (someone or something) into (some place)
- smuggle into some place
- snap into
- snap into (something)
- sneak in(to some place)
- sneeze into
- sneeze into (something)
- snoop into
- snoop into (something)
- snowball into
- snowball into (something)
- snuggle down (into something)
- spill into
- spill into (something or some place)
- spill out into (something or some place)
- spill over into (something or some place)
- spit in(to) the wind
- spit into (something)
- split into
- split into (number or fraction)
- spring into action
- spring to/into life/action
- squash into
- squash into (something)
- squeeze into
- squirm into (something)
- stagger in(to some place)
- stalk into (some place)
- stampede into
- stampede into (some place)
- stare (off) into space
- stare into
- stare into (something)
- starve (one) into (something)
- starve into
- steam in
- steam into (some place)
- steer into
- steer into (something)
- step into
- step into (someone's) boots
- step into (someone's) shoes
- step into (something)
- step into dead men's shoes
- step into shoes
- step into somebody's shoes
- step into someone's boots
- step into someone's shoes
- step into the breach
- step out into
- step out into (some place)
- step out of (something or some place) (and) into (some place)
- stick (one's) nose in(to) (something)
- stick (one's) oar in(to) (something)
- stick into
- stick into (something)
- stimulate (someone or something) into (doing) (something)
- stimulate into
- stir into
- stir into (something)
- storm into (some place)
- strap into (something)
- stray into (some place)
- stream into (something or some place)
- stride into (some place)
- strike (something) into
- strike fear into (one's) heart
- strike fear into (one)
- strike fear, terror, etc. into somebody/somebody's heart
- strike into
- strike terror into (one)
- strut into
- stuff into
- stuff into (someone or something)
- stumble across
- stumble into
- stumble into (someone or something)
- subdivide into
- subdivide into (something)
- suck (someone or something) into (something)
- suck in
- suck into
- sucker (one) into (doing something)
- sucker (one) into (something)
- sucker into
- sucker someone into something
- surge into (something)
- swarm in(to) (something or some place)
- sweep back into (something)
- sweep into
- sweet talk (one) into (doing something)
- sweet-talk
- swerve into
- swerve into (from someone or something)
- swim into
- swim into (something)
- swing into
- swing into (something)
- swing into action
- swing into full gear
- swing into gear
- swing into high gear
- switch into
- switch into (something)
- swords into ploughshares
- tail into
- tail into (something)
- take (someone or something) into (one's) heart
- take (someone or something) into (something or some place)
- take (someone or something) into account
- take (someone) into (one's) confidence
- take (something) into (one's) head
- take (something) into (one's) own hands
- take (something) into consideration
- take (something) through (one's) head
- take into
- take into account
- take into confidence
- take into head
- take into heart
- take into one's confidence
- take into one's head, to
- take into one's own hands, to
- take into some place
- take it into (one's) head (to do something)
- take it into your head
- take it into your head to do something
- take matters into (one's) own hands
- take matters into your own hands
- take somebody into your confidence
- take something into account
- take something into consideration
- take the law into (one's) own hands
- take the law into one's hands
- take the law into own hands
- take the law into your own hands
- take your life in your hands
- talk (one's) way into (something or some place)
- talk (one) into (something)
- talk into
- talk some sense into (one)
- talk some sense into (someone's) head
- tap into
- tap into (something)
- taunt (one) into (doing something)
- taunt into
- tear into
- tear into (someone or something)
- tear into a place
- tear into some place
- tear into someone
- tear into something
- tease (one) into (doing something)
- tease into doing
- telephone into (some place)
- telescope into
- tempt (one) into (something or some place)
- tempt into
- terrify (one) into (something)
- terrify into
- terrorize (one) into (something)
- the iron entered into someone's soul
- the iron enters (into) (someone's) soul
- throw (one's) hat in(to) the ring
- throw (one) into a tizz(y)
- throw (someone or something) into (something)
- throw (something) back in(to) (one's) face
- throw (something) in(to) the pot
- throw (something) into question
- throw (something) into the bargain
- throw a (monkey) wrench in(to) the works
- throw a monkey wrench in(to) (something)
- throw a monkey wrench into
- throw a scare into (someone)
- throw a spanner in(to) the works
- throw a wrench into the works
- throw into
- throw into confusion
- throw into sharp relief
- throw into the bargain
- throw oneself into
- throw your hat into the ring
- thrust into
- thud into
- tie (oneself) in(to) knots
- tie (someone or oneself) (up) into knots
- tie (someone) in(to) knots
- tie into
- tie into knots
- torment into doing
- torture into
- toss (one's) hat in(to) the ring
- toss hat into the ring
- toss into
- tow into
- track into some place
- trap into
- trick (one) into (doing something)
- trick into
- tuck into
- tuck into (something)
- tumble into
- tumble into bed
- tune into
- turn geese into swans
- turn in
- turn into
- turn into a pumpkin
- turn swords into ploughshares
- twist into
- type into
- unfold into
- unify into
- unite into
- usher into some place
- vanish into
- vanish into the woodwork
- vanish into thin air
- vanish into thin air, to
- vault into
- veer into (someone or something)
- venture into
- venture into (some place)
- verge into
- vote (one) into (something)
- vote into
- vote into law
- wade in
- wade in(to someone or something)
- wade into
- walk into
- walk into (something)
- walk into the lion's den
- waltz in(to some place)
- waltz into
- wangle (one's) way into (some place or some situation)
- wangle (one) into (some place or some situation)
- want in
- weave into
- wedge into (something)
- welcome into
- well into
- whale into
- whale into (someone or something)
- whale into someone/something
- what's got into somebody?
- wheedle (one) into (doing something)
- wheedle into
- wheel into
- whip (someone or something) into shape
- whip into
- whip into a state
- whip into doing
- whip into shape
- whip something into shape
- wind into
- wire into
- wired into
- wired into someone/something
- withdraw into
- withdraw into (one's) shell
- withdraw into oneself
- work (one's) way into (something or some place)
- work (oneself) into a lather
- work (oneself) into the ground
- work in
- work into
- work into (something)
- work oneself into a lather
- work oneself up into
- work oneself up into a lather
- work up into
- work yourself into the ground
- worm (one's) way into (something or some place)
- worm into
- worm into (something or some place)
- wrestle into
- write into
- yank into
- your heart sinks into your boots