hop something up
hop up
1. To stand up quickly. I hopped up to answer the door.
2. To reach someone or something by hopping. I was just sitting here when, all of a sudden, a bunny hopped up!
3. slang To modify something in order to increase its power or performance. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hop" and "up." He's spent a fortune hopping up his car for drag racing. We've hopped our computers up to run incredibly complex programs at lightning speeds.
4. slang To be high on some substance, often a drug. I've never seen her so energized before—I hope she's not hopped up on something. Kevin is all hopped up on coffee—how many cups do you think he had?
See also: hop, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
hop something up
tv. to make a machine, especially a car, run extra fast or give it extra power. He will take that junk heap home and hop it up.
See also: hop, something, up
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- hop up
- hopped up
- hop up to (someone or something)
- take (one) by surprise
- take by surprise
- take somebody by surprise
- hop on
- hop on(to something)
- quick like a bunny
- (as) quick as a bunny