glutton for punishment

a glutton for punishment

A person who continues to do things whose consequences they find difficult or unpleasant. I couldn't wait to finish college, but I soon found myself in grad school. I must be a glutton for punishment. Why does George keep getting detention? Is he a glutton for punishment?
See also: glutton, punishment
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

glutton for punishment

Fig. someone who is eager for a burden or some sort of difficulty; someone willing to accept a difficult task. Tom works too hard. He is a glutton for punishment. I enjoy managing difficult projects, but I am a glutton for punishment.
See also: glutton, punishment
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

glutton for punishment

Someone who habitually takes on burdensome or unpleasant tasks or unreasonable amounts of work. For example, Rose agreed to organize the church fair for the third year in a row-she's a glutton for punishment . This expression originated as a glutton for work in the late 1800s, punishment being substituted about a century later.
See also: glutton, punishment
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

glutton for punishment, a

A masochist, a person who seeks out odious or onerous tasks, or habitually takes on more than is reasonable. The earliest version of this term was a glutton for work and dates from the latter part of the nineteenth century. It was used by Kipling in his story A Day’s Work (1895): “He’s honest, and a glutton for work.” Whether work is viewed as punishment or not is clearly up to the viewer. The OED, which cites a glutton for punishment only in 1971, makes no such judgment.
See also: glutton
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • a glutton for punishment
  • a glutton for punishment, work, etc.
  • glutton
  • glutton for punishment, a
  • punishment
  • get (something) over with
  • get it over with
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
  • find (something) out the hard way
References in periodicals archive
Perhaps by "ambitious" he meant "glutton for punishment," because homeschooling can be hard work--so much so that many people conclude (erroneously) they could never do it.
Rather than a glutton for punishment, this leader had learned that management and unions can get along, solve problems together and even enjoy the process.
Clearly a glutton for punishment, the 22-year-old is confident the months of riding out, fitness work and boxing that constituted his training regime for Aintree have prepared him for the rigours ahead today as a member of the eight-strong team running for Racing Welfare.
I think this is basically a promotional tool for an out-of-the-basement "skate company." If you are a glutton for punishment, write to: 533 W Ward St, Apt C, Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Churning out album after album on the same theme, it's easy to see how he set himself up as a glutton for punishment with the media when things turned sour at home.
And he's no glutton for punishment: Where he can, he steers clear of the "automotive killer bees" of big-city traffic jams.
I'm a glutton for punishment and do voluntary neighbourhood mediation.
"I'm a glutton for punishment," the Senator explained.
I felt like a fish out of water--either that or a glutton for punishment. But it's what I do; it's what I am."
It makes for some fascinating scientific discoveries, but he really is a glutton for punishment Chris, telly presenter Jasmine Harman and leading dentist Serpil Djemal, have been working together to help fix Britain's teeth, with a clinic set up at London's Kings College Hospital.
Chelsea open their league account at promoted Burnley tomorrow night, with Mourinho claiming he is a glutton for punishment for shouldering highpressure managerial assignments.
The Norwegian must be a glutton for punishment having walked into a club in chaos.
A glutton for punishment, he seems to enjoy punching well above his weight.
The evening is spent at the Sunderland match - a glutton for punishment, some might say!
Once you've had that happen you wouldn't want it to happen again - unless you're a glutton for punishment."