Formerly only bees
laden with honey flew into the hive, and they flew out empty; now they fly out laden.
War and Peace
However, money would not fail them, provided that their galleons, laden with gold and silver from America, once entered their ports.
Laden with their precious booty, the men returned to the Nautilus, disposed of their burden, and went back to this inexhaustible fishery of gold and silver.
20000 Leagues Under The Sea
Julius Caesar took Pompey unprovided, and laid asleep his industry and preparations, by a fame that he cunningly gave out: Caesar's own soldiers loved him not, and being wearied with the wars, and
laden with the spoils of Gaul, would forsake him, as soon as he came into Italy.
The Essays
Up the mountain were wild-orange trees, and now and then Ata would go with two or three women from the village and return
laden with the green, sweet, luscious fruit.
Moon and Sixpence
Now the Sultan of the Indies, curious to see a young prince with such strange tastes, sent an ambassador to my father,
laden with rich presents, and a warm invitation to visit his court.
Arabian Nights
This old ship had been laden with immense wealth; and, hitherto, nobody had thought of the possibility of recovering any part of it from the deep sea which was rolling and tossing it about.
But King James, who had probably expected that the Rose Algier would return laden with gold, refused to have anything more to do with the affair.
Grandfathers Chair
A train of twenty wagons, drawn by oxen, or by four mules or horses each, and laden with merchandise, ammunition, and provisions, were disposed in two columns in the center of the party, which was equally divided into a van and a rear-guard.
The consequence is numberless disputes and conflicts between them and the bee hunters: and often a party of the latter, returning, laden with rich spoil, from one of their forays, are apt to be waylaid by the native lords of the soil; their honey to be seized, their harness cut to pieces, and themselves left to find their way home the best way they can, happy to escape with no greater personal harm than a sound rib-roasting.
Adventures of Captain Bonneville USA in the Rocky Mountains and
At such times he would be found far off in the prairies, or up the course of some petty stream, laden with plants of all kinds.
When they saw the worthy botanist coming back heavy laden with his specimens, and treasuring them up as carefully as a miser would his hoard, they used to make merry among themselves at his expense, regarding him as some whimsical kind of madman.
Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountain
To see a camel train
laden with the spices of Arabia and the rare fabrics of Persia come marching through the narrow alleys of the bazaar, among porters with their burdens, money-changers, lamp-merchants, Al-naschars in the glassware business, portly cross-legged Turks smoking the famous narghili; and the crowds drifting to and fro in the fanciful costumes of the East, is a genuine revelation of the Orient.
The Innocents Abroad
And where but from Nantucket, too, did that first adventurous little sloop put forth, partly
laden with imported cobble-stones --so goes the story --to throw at the whales, in order to discover when they were nigh enough to risk a harpoon from the bowsprit?
Moby Dick I LXVII
One of the five videos released shows bin
Laden with gray hair and a gray beard, wearing a blanket and a knit cap.
Five New Osama Videos Released [VIDEO + Screenshots]