Packaged in 12-ounce plastic tubs,
Glop has a six-month shelf life and a suggested retail of $7.95 to $8.50.
Glop it on!
Maggie lay steaming beside the radiator, the ice from both her muzzle and tail melting into a puddle of
glop on the hardwood floor.
Wintertime roosters: tips for finding ringnecks when it's nasty, cold and brutish
All blend in his person and words, not into a homogenized spiritual
glop, but concentrated as a beam of light capable of penetrating the darkest corners of early 21st-century decadence and blindness to the future.
The Christian yogi: Bede Griffiths traveled East to speak to the West
I encountered some of this
glop at our church a while back, and one of the WWII veterans was the only one to back me up.
An eye-opener!
Some filmmakers, like Wenders and Schlondorff, managed a sort of transition to the international market, while Knight cites von Trotta's Paura e amore /Three Sisters (1988) and L'Africana/The Return (1990) as warning examples of attempts to produce pan-European films which wind up with no consistency, 'poured out like
glop' (p.108).
New German Cinema: Images of a Generation
Dad's specialite de la maison was spaghetti topped with a gelatinous
glop of jarred sauce.
My mother's car
The cataglop ("cata" from catamaran, and "
glop" from the sound the water makes as the boat does its work) aims to make short work of the bottles, seaweed, cigarette buts, bits of wood, oil, fuel and other pollution found floating in ports, lakes, rivers, canals and estuaries, which up to now could only be scooped up by means of large nets.
Belly-timber was food, and to
glop was to swallow greedily.
Seeking out lost words--and forgetting others: some language may have passed away prematurely
As he trudged through
glop, he remembers thinking that he hadn't envisioned the experience as part of an accounting career.
Before the deluge--and after: CPAs can help clients prepare to pick up the pieces when Mother Nature hits hard
glop on sunscreen and line the bottoms of our skis with climbing skins, strips of synthetic hairs that grab the snow like Velcro.
Making tracks across Lillooet Icefield: skiers confront dramatic peaks and crevasses on a remarkable 100-kilometre traverse of the southern Coast Mountains
Lovely chap, terrific cricketer, super captain, remember him for the good things - that class of
Cricket: Two dead cricketers - and only one deserves the eulogies
Amongst the larger trolls are Siarli Donc, Twrw Bol and Gwefus
Glop who can transform themselves into trees and stones.
Into the valley of the trolls; TVLife
Applications include HGA assemblies, wire tacking, chip capacitor bonding,
glop top, tamper proofing, potting and microencapsulation.
Literature Showcase
Cut a thin slot in the side of an empty can and run your putty knife through it to remove the
glop. Make the slot slightly wider than the thickness of the blade and a little deeper than its width.
Classic Handy Hints[R]
With the environment ravaged and corporate greed dominating all notions of progress and happiness, Piercy's America is several megacorporate-controlled, domed cities (called "multis"), surrounded by vast, toxic, gang-run slums (the "
The future of political community: race, ethnicity, and class privilege in novels by Piercy, Gomez, and Misha