get along

Related to get along: go along to get along

get along

1. To interact (with someone) in a mutually friendly or amiable way. I'm glad you finally got to meet my brother—I knew you two would get along. My grandparents have been married for over 50 years and they still get along!
2. To depart. Oh, I need to get along now, or else I'll miss the train!
3. To progress, as in age. Unfortunately, my arthritis bothers me more as I get along in years.
4. To endure or persevere. Now that I've been laid off, I don't know how my family will get along.
See also: get
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

get along (on a shoestring)

 and get by (on a shoestring)
Fig. to be able to afford to live on very little money. For the last two years, we have had to get along on a shoestring. With so many expenses, it's hard to get by on a shoestring.
See also: get

get along

1. [for people or animals] to be amiable with one another. Those two just don't get along. They seem to get along just fine.
2. to leave; to be on one's way. I've got to get along. It's getting late. It's time for me to get along. See you later.
See also: get
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

get along

1. Also, get on. Be or continue to be on harmonious terms. For example, She finds it hard to get along with her in-laws, or He gets on well with all of his neighbors except one. The use of along dates from the late 1800s; the use of on dates from the early 1800s. A colloquial synonym for get along well is get on like a house afire, in effect comparing increasingly good relations to the rapid progress of a fire.
2. Also, get on. Manage, fare with some success; also, prosper. For example, I can just get along in this town on those wages, or Her way of getting on in the world was to marry a rich man. The use of on dates from the late 1700s; the variant dates from the early 1800s.
3. get along without. Manage without something, as in With that new car loan, he can't get along without a raise. [Early 1800s]
4. Also, get on. Progress; advance, especially in years. For example, How are you getting along with the refinishing? or Dad doesn't hear too well; he's getting on, you know. [Late 1700s] Also see along in years; get on, def. 5.
5. get along with you. Go away; also, be quiet, drop the subject, as in "Leave me. Get along with you" (Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge, 1837). [First half of 1800s] Also see get on.
See also: get
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

get along

1. To be or continue to be on harmonious terms with someone: I never got along with the mail carrier. Do you think the cats and dogs will get along if we put them in a cage together?
2. To manage or fare, especially with reasonable success: There's no way I can get along on those wages. How are you getting along these days?
3. To advance or make progress, especially in age: He's not as athletic as he was before, but he is getting along in age.
4. To go away; leave: She told the children to get along and leave her to her work.
See also: get
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • afire
  • rub along
  • a kind word for everybody
  • a good word for everybody
  • good word
  • the meat in the sandwich
  • daddy
  • a twinkle in (one's) daddy's eye
  • play well with others
  • bargain over (someone or something) (with someone)