party line

the party line

The agenda, policy, or ideology of a particular political party. Often used in the plural. Senators are expected to vote along party lines on the new tax proposals. The MP has been publicly upbraided by the prime minister for going against the party line on the issue of immigration reform.
See also: line, party
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

party line

Fig. the official ideas and attitudes that are adopted by the leaders of a particular group and that the other members are expected to accept. Tom has left the club. He refused to follow the party line. Many politicians agree with the party line without thinking.
See also: line, party
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

party line

The official policy of an organization or government, as in The current party line opposes legalized abortion in all cases. This term, dating from about 1830, was originally used for a political party's official policy but in the mid-1900s was almost exclusively applied to the rigid dicta of the Soviet Communist Party. Since then it has returned to looser use.
See also: line, party
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

party line, the

The official policy of a government, corporation, or organization. Although the term was used in the nineteenth century for the official policy of a political party—it was coined in the United States in the 1830s—it came into more general use in the mid-twentieth century, when it was applied particularly to the rigid dicta of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as to numerous other kinds of organization. Milovan Djilas, a Yugoslav dissident, is quoted as saying, “The Party line is that there is no Party line” (by Fitzroy Maclean, The Heretic, 1957). Nowadays the term is used much more loosely, as in, “The college’s party line includes affirmative action in the admissions process.”
See also: party
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer

party line

Communal telephone service. In the early days of telephone service, two or more households shared a circuit to the same central switchboard at the phone company. The operator would alert the recipient of an incoming call by a distinctive ring (say, two longs and a short), which distinguished that party from others in the line. “Shared service” meant just that. Since only one call at a time could be made or received, hogging the line led to bad feelings and sometimes bad language from other households who wanted to use the phone. Another problem was eavesdropping, the premise of the classic movie comedy Pillow Talk.
See also: line, party
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • party line, the
  • the party line
  • run as
  • run as (something)
  • Party on!
  • eat, drink and be merry
  • eat, drink, and be merry
  • merry
  • a bargaining counter
  • bargaining counter
References in periodicals archive
As far as I'm concerned, my interest in poetry is in representing my actual mind as distinct from the official party line of the media, which is to say, The New York Times, The Washington Post, even The Nation, and from the official party line of the White House and the Establishment.
He also criticized the move of disarming the UCPN-M's People Liberation Army, terming the move as going against the party line.
But the same mainstream news organs that slavishly followed the Communist Party Line in discrediting these brave witnesses are not admitting their "errors" or uttering mea culpas for their sins.
Multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in China have been warned to follow the party line on Hong Kong.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-August 22, 2019--Multinational corporations in China asked to follow party line on Hong Kong
The PDP-Laban said it will impose sanctions on members who will not 'toe the party line' in voting for the next House Speaker.
A sensible and realistic North East MP, Emma Lewell-Buck, resigned from Labour's front bench team because she couldn't support the party line on a second referendum.
Our first phone was a party line, which meant you couldn't use it if the other person sharing it was already connected.
The problem is not failure by members to toe a party line but failure of the minority leadership to intellectually and politically convince and influence the members to move in one direction.
ISLAMABAD -- The Pakistan Peoples Party's (PPP) candidate for the presidential election, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan, has expressed the hope that the members of opposition parties and the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) will vote for him according to their conscience rather than their party line.
Anyone who expressed a view different from the party line must have been suffering from "philosophical intoxication," was "diagnosed" as such by a psychologist, and deemed unfit to remain in society.
Weah reminded his Cabinet to ensure employment is based on competence and not on party line since the government aims to bring change and not to continue on the old path.
Sensing the gravity of the situation, Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif has formed various committees to ensure the party MPs cast vote in favour of the candidates awarded party tickets, because some of the senior party leaders suspect defection from the party MPs and the lawmakers might either skip the Senate elections or would cast vote against party line.
Our silence as voters on their actual job as lawmakers (rather than as sources of charity or road/ drain fixers) allows political parties to exert control over their elected representatives, preventing them from voting against party line even if it is in the best interest of their constituents.
They did this despite heavy pressure to vote the party line, including a call to Murkowski from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, whose department controls a number of projects that are important to Alaska.