"The modest rate of increase in Grade As overall in Wales since 2012, just 1.8%, as opposed to 5.3% for the UK as a whole should also
give pause for thought. Some of the English regions have leap-frogged over us in that regard."
A REAL A* OUTCOME; Wales gets more of top grades than ever before as strong performances continue across country
On that basis, some countries such as twice-bailed out Greece and struggling France, have called for an easing in the austerity policies adopted to tame the crisis, but yesterday's figures may
give pause for thought in doing so.
Eurozone debt rises sharply
But it does
give pause for thought, as does Bull's repeated use of the rhetorical question as a mode of argument.
Artful thoughts: Alexander Marr appraises a cerebral enquiry into Vico's debts to Neapolitan painting
Jo Henry, director at Nielsen Book, said: "This dramatic drop in engagement with reading in the first half of 2013--seen in the context of an 8% drop in the number of books bought for those aged under 17--will
give pause for thought for anyone involved in children's publishing, particularly at the older end of the market, which has seen the greatest decline."
London children's publishers: despite the data, licensing world looks to books
And while that is brilliant news for those people and for the children who will now, as a result, have a family it is a figure which should
give pause for thought. For if you add to that the fact that at any one time there are 40 children approved for adoption and in need of a permanent home then these are figures which make disappointing reading.
Change a life; COMMENT The policy of honesty. The might of right. The expediency of principle
If not, and if you are charged duty on your shirts and trousers that you bought from Cabela's and have happily worn for the last five years, there is little to be said or done--but you will no doubt
give pause for thought when selecting your next African hunting destination.--Editor
Zimbabwe tourism under siege
The thought of the potential consequences
give pause for thought. How many crimes will go unsolved, criminals unpunished and victims with no justice without these officers around?
Yet the recent allegations by former Finance Minister Andrew Davies
give pause for thought in this context.
A politicised Civil Service? You could make a case for having one
Maybe, however, the shock and scandal that has arisen this week over these defective vehicles should
give pause for thought. As many motorists over 50 will attest, there was a time when motorcars leaving the manufacturers were frequently defective, either because of a design fault or shoddy workmanship.
Editorial: Toyota's troubles