sing together

sing together

[for people] to coordinate their singing. Let's sing together now. Everyone should watch the conductor and follow the beat. You have to sing together if you want your words to be understood.
See also: sing, together
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • group (someone or something) together
  • group together
  • sing along
  • be/live in each other's pockets
  • sing down
  • singe
  • bring (someone or something) together
  • bring together
  • sing out
  • cement together
References in classic literature
'Now they must sing together; what a duet we shall have!'
Her dim thoughts were often searching for far away lands where, as God says, the little hills sing together in the morning.
Sure, when we sing together I'm absorbin' religion an' gettin' pretty close up to God.
Surely the only courtship unshaken by doubts and fears must be that in which the lovers can sing together. The sense of mutual fitness that springs from the two deep notes fulfilling expectation just at the right moment between the notes of the silvery soprano, from the perfect accord of descending thirds and fifths, from the preconcerted loving chase of a fugue, is likely enough to supersede any immediate demand for less impassioned forms of agreement.
Let us gather together in the great cities, and light huge bonfires of a million gas-jets, and shout and sing together, and feel brave.
He has only to set the doors of the canaries' cages open, and to call them, and the pretty little cleverly trained creatures perch fearlessly on his hand, mount his fat outstretched fingers one by one, when he tells them to "go upstairs," and sing together as if they would burst their throats with delight when they get to the top finger.
Education Secretary Leonor Briones lauded chorale contest for learners organized by Rotary Club of Manila because it teaches learners to "sing together in harmony" amid trying and challenging times.
We'll all be back to sing together whenever they drop in next time.
At the sessions, children learn and sing together with others their age.
Americans celebrated The National Day of Prayer in many different places and many different ways last Thursday, and for the large crowd that gathered at Heartland Regional Medical Center, their way was to pray together and sing together.
We just play Christmas carols on the radio and sing together on videoke.
Home Instead Senior Care has created a Songs To Remember list of numbers that caregivers and their clients love to sing together.
Robbie and Gary reunion ON Saturday, December 23, Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow reunite and sing together at The Ffrith Beach Arena Prestatyn.
Children say: "Music is totally fun!" (Sophia, Year 5); "Music is epic because it can be rock or calm and smooth" (Tyler , Year 5); "It exercises your vocal chords" (Kacey Year 5); "Everyone can sing together" (Kayleigh, Year 5).
Everyone's dementia journey is unique but we are united as we sing together.