The sailing ships too--how they will back and fill with their cargoes of dead sailors, while their timbers rot and their joints leak, till one by one they
sink below the surface.
The Poison Belt
Read: ( California Earthquakes: San Andreas Fault Could Cause Coast To Instantly
Sink Below Sea Level
Diver Captures Underwater Video Of Strong 5.7-Magnitude Earthquake
A recent report by the National Statistical Instutute (NSI) <a href="">warned the country's population could
sink below five million by 2070.
Bulgaria 'Should Accept More Migrants' to Overcome Demographic Crisis
Summary: Mumbai: India's rupee will
sink below a record low reached last month as a likely ...
Analysts' see deeper slump in Indian rupee
- October 2011: BlackBerry users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, and South America are hit by a service outage lasting several days, and shares
sink below $25.
BlackBerry 10 unveiled, RIM becomes BlackBerry
plant on the Pacific coast started to
sink below the sea surface earlier this year and are likely to move southward in the future carried by deep-water currents, the study found.
Radioactive materials reach 3,200 km east of Fukushima in Pacific
"The first sign of trouble is hyperventilation but, if the swimmer stays in the water, the body will gradually shut down to protect the vital organs and muscles will go into cramp and the victim will be unable to remain afloat and will
sink below the surface."
Reservoir danger warning
THE pound could
sink below parity with the euro, an economic forecaster has warned.
Fears pound may sink below euro; business briefing
Around a quarter of households face having the value of their property
sink below the level of their mortgage, the LibDems have warned.
April fool?
''Secondhand vehicle sales for all of 2007 are expected to
sink below the 5 million unit threshold, marking the first time that annual sales have fallen through that line in 18 years,'' the official said.
Used vehicle sales hit 20-year low for August
The returning water has to
sink below the so-called Atlantic Conveyor, giving the state its name.
Iceberg deposits point to Ice Age conveyor failure
During the day little thoughts cross my mind So out come pen and paper double spaced lined Word by word, I soon complete a rhyme This is what I am doing all of the time Thoughts come to be like manna from heaven Before I know it I have written line number seven I know now that I must keep writing on As I watch the sun
sink below the blue horizon The end of the day has come too soon But now I seek the old silvery moon With my wife we stroll, like lovers do We talk to each other, yes we bill and coo We call in our local, a pint for me, a glass for her Then a stroll home in the warm evening air For the two of us this is the ideal way To be thankful for the end of a perfect day
Your Poem: Perfect Day
All they could see of Abdidamnan, however, was his tennis shoe--about to
sink below the surface.
A Salt Lake City rescue
The BOJ took the action as it feared the outstanding balance of current-account deposits held by commercial banks at the central bank may
sink below 30 trillion yen Thursday if it does not provide extra funds.
BOJ supplies 500 bil. yen in emergency liquidity provision