halfway decent

halfway decent

Somewhat good, useful, or enjoyable, but not very; passable. Anyone with a halfway decent phone can access the Internet these days! John: "So, what did you think of the film?" Bill: "Eh, it was halfway decent, I guess."
See also: decent, halfway
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • decent
  • a good trip
  • good trip
  • all it's cracked up to be
  • good in bed
  • so-so
  • GIB
  • brain candy
  • are we having fun yet
  • Are we having fun yet?
References in periodicals archive
Then if you're halfway decent you'll win even more - and Robert is way better than halfway decent."
Women seem to always be rushing from make-up retail shop to salon to nail spa to apparel store in order to look halfway decent. class="MsoNormalJulius shakes his head and frowns.
"I felt like I drove it halfway decent today and irons were good but not great.
Just far too many people are suffering from not having enough for an even halfway decent level of living.
This Bulls lineup isn't likely to excel on defense, but it can be halfway decent if the players simply lock in, bring some energy to the defensive end and limit fastbreak opportunities.
If I had 100 putts every week I played and hit the ball halfway decent, I'd win every week."
WITH the number of theories doing the rounds in Islamabad in each 24-hour cycle, any political analyst who can step back, sift fact from fiction, then present a halfway decent analysis deserves to be congratulated.
There's some halfway decent kungfu action in this goofy knockabout action thriller which defies any effort to be taken seriously.
They even seem to think their administrators have a halfway decent vision for the implementation of ed tech!
Your gun has no finish and while it has obviously seen better days, assuming the bore's halfway decent and the mechanics are good, I'd say it's worth in the $450 to $550 range.
How about we look at our Scandinavian neighbours and invest in some halfway decent cycling infrastructure throughout our major cities?
Health and beauty editor Lynne Hyland says: 'Swimming is literally the only sport I'm halfway decent at, but these days my swim "work out" consists of breast stroke, front crawl, and repeat - until I decide I'm allowed to get out and have a nice coffee and biscuit in the cafe.
Laura Mulligan declares herself proud to be a "deplorable" because Hillary Clinton "lacks everything that a halfway decent person stands for."
Getting halfway decent groups with alloy bullets in 9mm has been problematic for me and many other shooters.
The Metro Centre used to be a total desert as far as halfway decent food is concerned, so I guess that, on balance, this place is a welcome addition.