
go halfsies

slang To share something, especially the cost of something, in equal proportion between two people. You wanna go halfsies on the bill? I don't feel like cooking tonight, let's go halfsies on a pizza instead.
See also: go, halfsies


slang Describing the act of sharing something, especially the cost of something, in equal proportion between two people. You wanna go halfsies on the bill? I don't feel like cooking tonight, let's go halfsies on a pizza instead.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • a fast talker
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a horse of another
  • a horse of another color
  • a horse of another colour
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a bird in hand
  • a bird in the hand
References in periodicals archive
Given the number of recognizable names attached to the production and MaeFarlane's financial commitment (while he did not offer specifics, Tyson says MacFarlane agreed early on to "go halfsies" on Cosmos with Druyan's production company), the risk of committing to the baker's dozen would appear negligible.
Shortly before BMS went public with the problems in the BMS-094 trial, the company made its biggest splurge yet, going halfsies with AstraZeneca to buy Amylin (total effective price: $7.0 billion).
He then went to his brother and sister, who went "halfsies" on one bar.
Girls are leaping into 2012 with a modern mindset--71% wanna go halfsies on the first date.
Thereafter I resolved to be halfsies. I could not be fully both Jeffrey and Jew, chocolate and gold.
And instead of Universal/Relativity sharing the risk, DreamWorks is going halfsies with 20th Century Fox.
And if he doesn't whip out his wallet, reach for your bag and offer halfsies.