green light, the

green light

1. verb To permit someone or something to proceed. Likened to the green light of a traffic signal. Do you think the production company will green light our film?
2. noun Permission to proceed with some action or task. We're just waiting to get the green light from our managers before we release the latest software update.
See also: green, light
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

green light, the

Permission to go ahead, as in The chief gave us the green light for starting this project. This term originated in the late 1800s for the signal used by railroads to indicate that a train could proceed. It was transferred to more general use in the first half of the 1900s.
See also: green
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • green light
  • green light, get/give the
  • get the green light
  • give somebody/get the green light
  • give someone/something the green light
  • give (one) the green light
  • be green about the gills
  • green about the gills
  • green as grass
  • (as) green as grass
References in periodicals archive
For one to use the system, a button should be pressed and when it shows a green light, the person is free to cross the road.
On the back of a continued recovery in fundamentals at home and abroad, Taiwan's economy has been showing signs of stable growth as an index gauging the economic climate flashed a green light, the National Development Council (NDC) said Monday.
While the sub-indexes for exports and stock price changes fell, the two still flashed a green light, the NDC said, adding that the sub-indexes for the money supply flashed a yellow-blue light.
When hit with green light, the arm stretches back out, causing the ion channel to close.
In emitting green light, the material achieves a brightness half-life of 100,000 hours (a threshold luminance of 1,000cd/m2), 150% longer.