limp dishrag
1. A very weak willed, helpless, or cowardly person; one who lacks any real resolve, inner-strength, or motivation. My father was a sweet man, but he was a limp dishrag in all other aspects of life, bending to the will of everyone around him. I tried to raise you to be strong and independent, not some limp dishrag who just coasts through life without ambition. The new supervisor has been as effective at controlling his team as a limp dishrag.
2. One who is completely worn out or without energy. Between my hectic job and trying to mind the kids, I always feel like a limp dish rag by the time I get to bed at night. My dad used to work crazy long hours when we were kids, and he would just sit on the sofa like a limp dishrag on the weekends.
See also: dishrag, limp
limp in
1. Literally, to enter (some place) while walking lamely or irregularly, especially due to injury. I asked Tommy what had happened as he came limping in the door. The dog was missing for two days before it finally came limping in.
2. To move or travel in (to some place) with halting or unsteady progress, especially on or in a vehicle. The car was in such bad shape by the time we limped in to Las Vegas that I thought the engine would burst into flames right then and there.
3. In community poker, such as Texas hold 'em, to match the existing bet without raising before the community cards have been dealt. Limping in often makes you an easy target for stronger players.
See also: limp
limp off
To walk away from someone or something while putting more weight on one leg than the other, as due to an injury. Cassie limped off the field after twisting her ankle on that play. Only when Stu limped off did I realize that he must have forgotten his cane.
See also: limp, off
limp rag
1. A very weak willed, helpless, or cowardly person; one who lacks any real resolve, inner-strength, or motivation. My father was a sweet man, but he was a limp rag in all other aspects of life, bending to the will of everyone around him. I tried to raise you to be strong and independent, not some limp rag who just coasts through life without ambition. The new supervisor has been as effective at controlling his team as a limp rag.
2. One who is completely worn out or without energy. Between my hectic job and trying to mind the kids, I always feel like a limp dish rag by the time I get to bed at night. My dad used to work crazy long hours when we were kids, and he would just sit on the sofa like a limp rag on the weekends.
See also: limp, rag
1. noun, vulgar slang A weak, cowardly, or ineffectual man. Don't be such a limpdick, Tom—just sign the contract already! I had a great opportunity to make our firm a lot of money, but our boss was too much of a limpdick to do what it took to make it happen.
2. adjective, vulgar slang Completely lacking in strength, resolve, and integrity. He talked a big talk during the election, but after taking office he's proved to be just another limpdick politician. My limpdick manager wouldn't deal with the abusive behavior from some of the staff.
1. Weak; lacking force or conviction. Potentially offensive due to Definition 2. Many have criticized the president's limp-wristed response to the attack, calling for him to authorize a full-fledged military strike.
2. offensive Weak and effeminate; lacking qualities typically associated with masculinity. Used in a derogatory way to imply that a man is homosexual. He was at first dismissed out of hand by many as just a limp-wristed fop, but he proved himself to be one of the toughest litigators in the country.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(limp) dishrag
n. a totally helpless person; a cowardly and spineless person. He’s sweet, but he’s a dishrag.
See also: dishrag, limp
n. a weak or ineffective male. Stand up for yourself. Don’t be such a limpdick.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- limp dishrag
- limp rag
- wet dishrag
- wet rag
- dishrag
- limpdick
- be a man
- pantywaist
- yellow-belly
- cream puff