get worked up about (something)
get worked up about (something)
To enter a state of mental or emotional agitation because of something. You're getting worked up about nothing—I'm sure the doctor will tell you it's nothing. Mom's getting really worked up about it—you better talk to her. The professor said she really needed to speak with me later, and now I'm getting all worked up about it. What if I'm failing the course?
See also: get, up, work
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- get worked up over (something)
- worked up about (something)
- worked up over (something)
- get (oneself) worked up about (something)
- get (oneself) worked up over (something)
- be worked up about (something)
- be worked up over (something)
- be worked up
- worked up, be
- (all) wrought up