prefer to

prefer (someone or something) to (someone or something else)

To choose, or tend to choose, someone or something as more desirable or valuable than someone or something else. I usually prefer tea to coffee, but I need something a little stronger this morning. I don't know why Amy prefers Tom to Steve—Tom is such a jerk!
See also: prefer, something
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

prefer someone or something to someone (or something else)

to rank the desirability of someone or something over someone or something else. For the post of treasurer, I prefer Don to Jill. I prefer missing a meal to Jill's cooking.
See also: prefer
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • prefer
  • prefer (someone or something) to (someone or something else)
  • at one with (someone or something)
  • decide
  • decide against
  • decide against (someone or something)
  • decided
  • choose from
  • choose from (people or things)
  • choose among
References in classic literature
I should certainly, after all, prefer to call him - what did you say his other name was?"
Statistics show that he does NOT prefer to remain quiescent.
But Philip saw that he was suffering, and at the end of the hour asked whether he would not prefer to give no more lessons till he was better.
From Leghorn to Naples (calling at Civita Vecchia to land any who may prefer to go to Rome from that point), the distance will be made in about thirty-six hours; the route will lay along the coast of Italy, close by Caprera, Elba, and Corsica.
Students do not prefer to read online, they would rather print the materials, which are mostly static pages although graphics are present.
Our study showed a preference for the visual mode of perception and we find a majority of students saying that they prefer to print material from the web site since there is a lot a text.