predispose to

predispose (someone or something) to (something)

1. To make someone or something more inclined to some action in advance. Often used in passive constructions. Harvard's reputation for its law program predisposed him to go there after high school. I know Ruth is predisposed to do whatever her father suggests due to her overwhelming sense of loyalty to him.
2. To make someone or something more susceptible or liable to something. Often used in passive constructions. It's your mother's father who predisposes you to baldness, not your own father. My genetics predispose me to heart disease, so I take every precaution I can to avoid it. The economy was already predisposed to collapse due to the sudden removal of many regulations that kept it in balance.
See also: predispose
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

predispose someone or something to(ward) something

to make someone or something susceptible to something. Your comments will not predispose me toward a favorable treatment of your case. Do you think that this weather will predispose me to catching a cold?
See also: predispose
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • perceive
  • perceive (someone or something) as (something)
  • perceive as
  • preclude
  • preclude (someone or something) from (something)
  • preclude from
  • starve (someone or something) of (something)
  • starve of
  • sandwich (someone or something) between (someone or something else)
  • sandwich between
References in periodicals archive
Previous head trauma, could predispose to recurring seizures.
Dietary -- Consumption of toxins or lack of key nutrients in the diet can predispose to seizures.
Gala Filippova, staff scientist at Fred Hutch and co-author of the study, said that in the current study, they have explored whether loss of just one copy of the CTCF gene could trigger epigenetic changes and predispose to tumor development.
In addition, prenatal exposures to environmental agents such as bisphenol A or dioxin results in alteration in the development of the mammary gland that may predispose to the development of cancers later in life.
Ingestion of large amounts of food prior to running may predispose to GER and upper gastrointestinal symptoms, in several different ways.
By age 24 months, 3 of 84 infants (3.6%) in the casein hydrolysate group had developed at least one of four autoantibodies (anti-GAD65, IA-2, insulin, and islet-cell) that are known to predispose to type 1 diabetes, compared with 10 of 89 (11.2%) who were fed cow's milk formula, he reported.