hackers may also alter or erase sensitive data for other reasons such as to conceal evidence for criminal activities.ELUSIVE CULPRITSYou must be asking why security agents can't trace the hideouts of the attackers, nab them and make them pay for their crimes.
Anatomy and motives of cyberattacks
Hackers can be fined from Rs0.2 million to Rs1 million for cybercrime and they can be imprisoned for three months to 14 years if the offence is proved.'
Cyber-attack threat grows ever larger
hackers also changed the display picture of Bachchan to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Amitabh Bachchan's Twitter account hacked
Curious, self- taught and creative, Santiago is a role model for hundreds of thousands of aspiring
hackers around the world.
San Francisco: The
hacker, who earlier stole and posted personal data of close to 843 million users of various popular websites on a Dark Web marketplace, has now put up the fourth set of nearly 26 million hacked databases for sale.
Serial hacker is back: 26 million users' personal data for sale
Lingad's company officially launched its first product in 2017, claiming to be a first on its kind in Southeast Asia, which is a 'bug bounty platform' wherein ethical
hackers are crowdsourced to infiltrate a company's website to find security weaknesses and recommend solutions.
College dropout turns cybersecurity passion into business
Hackers found the first vulnerability in the Department of Defense 13 minutes after they began pummeling the Pentagon's online defenses.
Hackers for hire
Cyber security expert Sreedeep Ck Alavil said, " Many black hat
hackers are involved in illegal activities like carding ( trafficking of credit card and bank account information) and selling hacked Facebook pages by using advanced spy applications.
Hackers hit small businesses on FB
Another noteworthy contribution lies in describing the social/ideological construction of
hackers as a "problem population" (p.
Hacked: A Radical Approach to Hacker Culture and Crime
It is to mention here that the Indian
hackers have attacked and hacked more than 250 Pakistani websites.
Cyber espionage war heats up
Once such an email is opened, the
hackers will install a Trojan" (named after the famous Trojan horse) on the unsuspecting user's computer.
Yahoo: A Breach From The Past
Shahmeer Amir, the 21-year-old Multan-born
hacker has at this young age, already found and reported around 870 bugs, according to ProPakistani.
Pakistani hacker ranked 3rd among world's top hackers
(NYSE: MGT) has appointed Bryan Seely, an ethical
hacker and author of Cyber Fraud: The Web of Lies, to its
Hacker Advisory Board, the company said.
MGT appoints ethical hacker/author to hacker advisory board
M2 PHARMA-April 8, 2016-Tenet names Howard
Hacker as SVP
Tenet names Howard Hacker as SVP