
Related to balance: Balance of Payment
  • a balancing act
  • a balancing/juggling act
  • balance (something) against (something else)
  • balance (something) with (something else)
  • balance against
  • balance out
  • balance the accounts
  • balance the books
  • balance wheel
  • balance with
  • be in the balance
  • be thrown off balance
  • catch (one) off balance
  • checks and balances
  • hang in the balance
  • in the balance
  • off balance
  • on balance
  • redress the balance
  • strike a balance
  • swing the balance
  • the balance of power
  • throw (one) off balance
  • throw off balance
  • throw someone off balance
  • tilt the balance
  • tip the balance
  • tip the balance/scales
  • weigh (something) in the balance
  • weigh something in the balance
  • weighed (in the balance) and found wanting
References in classic literature
"But how are you to get that balance?" Pierre was beginning.
Instructing her how to hold the turn and be ready to slack away at command, I laid hold of the mast with my hands and tried to balance it inboard across the rail.
For the balance of the day and all the following night we raced across that ochre wilderness with the pursuers at our back ever gaining upon us.
A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts of life.
The terror of cloudless noon, the emerald of Polycrates, the awe of prosperity, the instinct which leads every generous soul to impose on itself tasks of a noble asceticism and vicarious virtue, are the tremblings of the balance of justice through the heart and mind of man.
The absolute balance of Give and Take, the doctrine that every thing has its price,--and if that price is not paid, not that thing but something else is obtained, and that it is impossible to get any thing without its price,--is not less sublime in the columns of a leger than in the budgets of states, in the laws of light and darkness, in all the action and reaction of nature.
Under all this running sea of circumstance, whose waters ebb and flow with perfect balance, lies the aboriginal abyss of real Being.
But I don't want to change the balance of the constitution, and I don't think Grey would."
They had already killed two near the head of the line, and were like to have finished the balance of us when their leader finally put a stop to the brutal slaughter.
The Sagoths treated us both with marked respect during the balance of the journey, and then passed the word along to their masters, the Mahars.
In a circle about them the balance of the tribe of apes stood watching and enjoying the struggle.
And when he had finished he left the balance of the carcass in a high fork of the tree where he had dined, and with Numa trailing below him, still keen for revenge, he made his way back to his tree-top shelter, where he slept until the sun was high the following morning.
We now had but to pass through the balance of the Band-lu territory and that of the Kro-lu to be within the confines of her own land; but that meant traversing thirty-five miles of hostile country filled with every imaginable terror, and possibly many beyond the powers of imagination.
"And with this"--I weighed my rifle at the balance in the palm of my right hand--"I could slay one of those distant warriors." And I waved my left hand toward the tiny figures of the hunters far to the north.
"Do it," he cried derisively, "and then it may be that I shall believe the balance of your strange story."