go far

go far

1. To achieve much success. You'll go far if you learn to never quit.
2. To last; to be adequate for what is needed. I think you should have brought more cash; $50 doesn't go very far in this city! All the aunts, uncles, and cousins will be coming, so I one pot of chili won't go far.
See also: far, go
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

go far

Also, go a long way. Be sufficient for nearly all that is required; also, last for a long time. For example, This turkey will go far to feed the people at the shelter, or She can really make that small amount of cash go a long way. [Early 1400s] Also see go a long way toward; go so far as to.
See also: far, go
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

go ˈfar

(of people) be successful in the future: Linda is an excellent manager. She should go far.
See also: far, go
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • not go far
  • quit over
  • quit over (someone or something)
  • quit the funny stuff
  • quit (one's) bellyaching
  • Quit your bellyaching!
  • look good on paper
  • have time on (one's) side
  • it'll be all right on the night
References in periodicals archive
Wells Fargo Go Far Rewards customers can also redeem their rewards for a variety of other options including travel, merchandise and digital downloads.
BEIRUT: The Turkish prime minister of did well to apologize to his country's Kurdish population earlier this week but the move didn't go far enough, according to the Syriac League.
"Not until we see a change in planning rules, which demand that mechanical air conditioning, whether as part of a new build, or a refurbishment requires a full planning application, will we see a movement away from mechanical cooling." He continued: "The planners will be able to exert some pressure on builders to install far more energy and carbon efficient cooling solutions, but in the meantime the legislation doesn't go far enough in a bid to reduce the amount of energy consumed by cooling systems."
But public health groups say the measure does not go far enough.
We haven't lost it." White art New Orleans colleges have lost students, the expected enrollment numbers for this fall go far beyond initial, expectations.
"Now, it plays a much more active role." The AC has been handed a variety of added oversight functions that go far beyond a basic balance sheet.
Guillette's research results have dire implications that go far beyond Mexican mountain communities.
US Transportation Security Administration was the target of criticism from lawmakers who complained the agency's final air cargo security rule does not go far enough.
Native American activists say that by not banning the mascots outright, the NCAA did not go far enough.
But the implications go far beyond the Bush administration admitting, and seeking to rectify, the inadequacies of its approach to the Iraq War.
We did not have to go far to find the precious steel that gives our ship the same qualities.
InFocus believes that the benefits of technology integration in education go far beyond the class room by preparing students to succeed in a technology-focused world.
If you wink at torture, if you don't mind mass slaughter, if lying is of no concern to you, you can go far in this world.
His performance at the CEA may go far in determining whether he makes a quick trip back to the Fed next year as the retiring Greenspan's replacement.
As might be expected, green advocates criticized the Bush bill and its regulatory heir, the Clean Air Interstate Rule, for failing to go far enough or fast enough in reducing pollution.