place an order

place an/the/(one's) order

To register an order for some product or service that one will receive in the near future. We placed an order nearly an hour ago, but we still haven't gotten anything to eat. I placed the order online, and they said it should arrive in two-three weeks. Please place your order at the window on the left, then go to the window on the right to pay for it.
See also: order, place
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

place an order

to submit an order. My secretary placed an order for a new computer. I placed my order only yesterday.
See also: order, place
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • place an/the/(one's) order
  • on the order of
  • in order
  • order from
  • order from (someone or something)
  • order in
  • give (one) a shout
  • give somebody a shout
  • bum check
  • Could I take your order?
References in periodicals archive
If you are located in the United States, you have the option to place an order now (in backorder status) which will be billed and shipped when product becomes available, or to check back with Kodak in December to place an order then.
Mike said: "Brian Conley asked the question of each retailer, 'Do you want to place an order for Mike's Tablet-Hookz ?' - it seemed like a very long pause before the first retailer, Zak from placed an order for 200 units, Nina from Clas Ohlson, bought 500 units and then Ken from JML placed an initial order for 1000 units saying he wanted to get serious volume going.
For more information about offers, please visit: To place an order via phone, please call: +97444535136 To place order via WhatsApp, please contact: +97477943975 To place an order via Feed, please download Feedeology from the App Store.
The apps also have limits to how many steps a user must complete to place an order, typically three to four, he said.
From Great Neck to Rockville Centre and Syosset to Massapequa, The Dhobi helps busy people get clean and save green in three simple steps on a smart phone; enter the address for pick-up and delivery, place an order and add payment information, all while on the bus to work or waiting for a latte.
The airline, which plans to increase its revenues five-fold to $10 billion by 2025, is separately evaluating Boeing's latest wide-body jet, the 406-seat 777X, but has no immediate plans to place an order, he said.
Or place an order by phone, by calling 0845 222 0533 (local rate, open Mon-Fri, 9-5pm).
Bilinski located in Poland place an order for RAM-X series stenter.
Saab, a Sweden-based automaker, is offering an Apple iPad when customers place an order for the upcoming 9-4X.
It told him that to get the money, he needed to place an order of pounds 20 or more from a Christmas catalogue for a Belgian company in return for a claim number.
For more information, including prices, or to place an order, call (508) 234-7070 or visit the Web site and click on daily specials.
As soon as the order book opens, these customers will be on the priority list to visit their nearest Abarth dealer, place an order and choose their preferred colour, specification and options.
For a list of the most recent programs or to place an order online, go to or call 1-800-553-6847 to place an order.