Apply for an immigration visa through the country's visa office in Buffalo, N.Y.
You must apply for an entry clearance at a British consulate, by mail, or online.
Interested parties can apply for a residence and work permit after entering Germany without a visa.
Before applying for a work permit, you must have an authorization for a temporary stay, known as an MW, which you have to apply for in the United States (about $60).
Tips for emigrating
1211 and 1212 capital loss limits
apply for purposes of calculating AMTI.
Capital loss limits apply to AMTI
Yes, section 167 of the Act will
apply for purposes of the HST after April 1, 1997.
Revenue Canada questions & answers: December 10 and 11, 1996
Similar rules
apply for taking into account original issue discount and premiums.(113) These results are similar to the results under current law.(114)
Consolidated return intercompany transaction regulations: clearly reflecting income is clearly not simple
For this purpose, the existence of a substantial risk of forfeiture is determined based on principles that
apply for Sec.
IRS finalizes regs. on FICA taxation of nonqualified deferred compensation
Although this requirement may be proper where various transactions are integrally linked, we recommend that there be sufficient flexibility in the process to allow companies to
apply for an APA for specific types of transactions without sweeping in all transactions between a set of related parties.
Proposed Canadian advance pricing agreement information circular
The proposed regulations would
apply for annual accounting periods beginning after the date that these regulations are published as final in the Federal Register.
Compliance requirements for foreign partnerships
(4) The enhanced rate can only apply for periods beginning after December 31, 1990.
One final observation: The enhanced rate does not apply for purposes of computing the ordinary charge for estimated tax underpayments or under special statutory rules that impose an interest charge on deferred (or deemed-deferred) gain (e.g., under the installment sales rules and on excess distributions from a passive foreign investment company.) (18)
1990 act compliance provisions may affect corporate litigation strategies
Further, the court stated that family attribution rules do not
apply for gift and estate tax valuation purposes.(9)
"Swing vote" attributes of transferred stock: implications for minority interest discounts