be smashed to smithereens

be smashed to smithereens

To be broken apart or otherwise destroyed into tiny, fragmentary pieces. "Smithereens," first appearing in English in 1829 as "smiddereens," is likely derived from the Irish word "smidirín" or "smidiríní," meaning "fragment." I wish I could still go visit our old family home, but it's already been smashed to smithereens by the demolition crew. The village was smashed to smithereens by the typhoon's gale-force winds.
See also: smashed, smithereens
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • smashed
  • smithereens
  • be blasted to smithereens
  • be blown to smithereens
  • blasted
  • smash (something) to smithereens
  • blast to smithereens
  • blow (someone or something) to pieces
  • blow to smithereens
  • blow(n) to smithereens
References in periodicals archive
Housing and infrastructure would most likely be smashed to smithereens, and goodness knows what the sea-level rise will be doing.
With tiles or slate, you know it'll be smashed to smithereens.
Those bottles of wine had better be smashed to smithereens and their contents spilled down the gutter because if one drop passes the lips of a custom's man - I hope it chokes him!