work nights

work nights

To work in the evenings, as opposed to during the day. I used to work nights, but it took such a toll on my sleeping that I switched back to the day shift.
See also: nights, work
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • just another day at the office
  • day off
  • by the day
  • be music to (one's) ears
  • be music to your ears
  • enough is a feast
  • from one day to the next
  • by night
  • by day
  • from day to day
References in classic literature
But he felt responsible and bound to get his uncle Silas free; and he told Aunt Sally, the last thing, not to worry, because he was going to turn in and work night and day and beat this game and fetch Uncle Silas out innocent; and she was very loving to him and thanked him and said she knowed he would do his very best.
Playmore) have been at work night and day in the library at Gleninch, with the door locked.
All, therefore, of the vast resources of his genius were at work night and day, engaged in listening to the least report heard in any of the great kingdoms of Europe.
Let the hurricane tear up its thousand huge fragments; yet what will that tell against the accumulated labour of myriads of architects at work night and day, month after month?
One in six (18%) black workers work nights - significantly more than the one in nine (11%) white workers who do so.
One in 11 women work nights, compared to one in seven men.
One in eight people now work nights, rising to one in six for black workers, and three out of five night workers are male, the study found.
Analysis published by the TUC shows that the number of people who work night shifts in Yorkshire and the Humber increased by 12,097 between 2011 and 2016 to 257,689 - while one in eight of all employees in the region now regularly work nights.
It wants to make sure no workers can be forced to work nights, shifts to be negotiated and remuneration for those working nights should reflect additional costs of child care and inconvenience.
Q I'd like your opinion of insurance companies that penalise young drivers who work nights, like my grandson.
A* Employers and unions should ensure that night working is only introduced where necessary.A* Where night working is introduced into a workplace, no existing workers should be forced to work nights.
Simon Davidson They need night buses like London, Manchester and Nottingham Ian Michael Paintain Fantastic news and ideas Karen Greenhouse Agree I work nights and getting public transport is impossible Kyle Toye "Short Hop Hits Astronomical High" Lee Jordan Great idea...Not got money to throw away.
WOMEN who work nights are at greater risk of suffering miscarriages.
WORK nights out are good for business, a study revealed yesterday.