

The constellation of online forums, blogs, and other platforms that have in common a focus on discussions of men's rights and ideas of masculinity (often hyper-masculinity) in reaction to or opposition to feminist ideals. Most discussions in the manosphere revolve around men's feelings of entitlement for sex.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • pics or it didn't happen
  • IIUC
  • KYS
  • word of mouse
  • brainstorm
  • WTB
  • WTS
  • dafuq
References in periodicals archive
Los Angeles, CA, August 07, 2019 --( Once decided to modify their general definition and description of what the "Manosphere" is, at least one popular self-help book author and professional dating coach has decided that he no longer wants his name or his brand to be associated with it.
"If you now read the Wikipedia definition and description for 'Manosphere,' it now associates the Manosphere with the Alt-Right movement, racism, and internet-based misogynism toward women," said Currie, who has been offering dating and relationship advice to single heterosexual men since the mid-1990s.
This collection of websites and blogs, dubbed the "manosphere," contains many active participants who promote hegemonic patriarchal ideals, universally placing men as figureheads of the ideal, heterosexual family unit.
Whether because of the anonymity, or the nature of internet echo chambers--where people's thoughts are parroted back to them with no opposition--bigots of all stripes have felt emboldened to share their hate not just within but also outside the "manosphere"--that too-flippantly-named area of the internet designated for those who want to mourn and seethe over what they see as the theft of their masculinity.
(14) Yet at the same time, self-titled men's rights activists and members of the so-called "manosphere" loudly trumpet women's inferiority.
The term was adopted by a subsection of the internet known as the "manosphere" - a collection of lunatics united by misogyny who spread hate on online message boards.
Digital hate cultures emerged through the appropriation of cultural practices from a range of groups: the so-called "manosphere," an antifeminist coalition of men's rights activists, bloggers, pickup artists and alleged experts in sexual strategy, and the Red Pill community; gamer and nerd subcultures; and a recently aligned coalition of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites Islamophobes, libertarians, Christians, atheists, conservative nationalists and so-called "race-realists" who profess a eugenic view of interracial competition.
Nagle describes how the gamer subculture interacted with the "manosphere," a "leaderless network" of men trading complaints about women, pop evolutionary psychology theories and tips on how to be sexually successful in the Hobbesian 21st-entury dating market.
Gender continues to be a focus of our times, as reflected in new words like 'femoir' ('a book or other piece of writing based on a female writer's personal knowledge and experiences, written from a feminist viewpoint'), 'manel' (a panel made up solely of men), 'manfant' (an adult male who behaves like a young child), 'manosphere' (a loose network of websites, blogs and online forums on issues related to men and masculinity, normally with an antifeminist perspective).
A 2015 article in manosphere alt-right hub Return of Kings, 'Why Is There A Prolific Jewish Presence In The American Feminist Movement?
The coexistence of racism and sexism in the so-called manosphere dates back to the dawn of the internet.
But all these projects seem minor compared to the rise of Roosh V and the manosphere, the death threats against feminist video game critics like Anita Sarkeesian and the sexual harassment of female reporters by male bystanders.
"Before I entered into what is now generally referred to as 'The Manosphere,' no other dating coach or pickup artist was really preaching bold, provocative, risque, ultra-straightforward verbal game with women.
For some, the "manosphere" offers a place to air real grievances about issues such as bias in family courts or sexual abuse suffered by men.
"Today, the cult following of heterosexual men around the globe known simply as the 'Manosphere' has grown exponentially, and it is very diverse.