At low values of the steadystate nominal interest rate, this latter property dominates the stimulative properties that accompany continued loosening in policy when inflation and output
fall short of their objectives because the ELB limits accommodation and the period after an ELB episode is followed by a pronounced tightening in the monetary stance.
Monetary policy in a low interest rate world
At the June meeting, Toshikatsu Fukuma proposed reducing the target to a 27 trillion to 32 trillion yen range and removing the phrase that the BOJ could allow the current account balance to temporarily
fall short of the target range, according to the minutes of the meeting.
2 BOJ board members sought lower current account targets in June
The group warned sales in the year to May 29 would
fall short of last year's pounds 151.8m, although still comfortably exceed the pounds 129m of 2003.
MG joint venture talks stalled
The reason is that qualified Texas students who
fall short of the 10 percent cut believe they won't be able to get into the state's top schools.
Top ten reasons for going out of state: Texas rule has qualified students looking elsewhere
Markham notes one possible remedy to the situation is to adopt a program that promotes greater workforce participation at all ages The report indicates that Canada's activity rates
fall short of rates of the top five OECD countries for every age and gender group, but most noticeably among older workers age groups of 55 years or more.
Pension crunch coming as population ages and labour shortages appear
In breaking the logjam, the new Brazilian president will meet, or
fall short of, the enormous expectations surrounding his administration.
Lula, the contender. (Editor's Note)
Full-year leasing appears likely to
fall short of 10 million SF for the first time in recent memory.
Sublease space continued to return to market in November
Scientists in Ireland report that a new brain-imaging technique can supply proof of Parkinson's disease in people whose symptoms
fall short of the standard definition of the disease.
Imaging Parkinson's. (Neuroscience)
Another software product, AT&T's Privacy Bird, enables Internet users to set privacy preferences and receive visual and audio cues when they visit Web sites that meet, exceed, or
fall short of their privacy parameters.
Safer surfing. (Up Front: news, trends & analysis)
Japan's local tax revenues are likely to
fall short of their expected levels in fiscal 2001 for the fifth consecutive year of such shortfalls, government officials said Tuesday.
Local tax revenues to remain below planned levels for 5th yr
Total wheat production is expected to
fall short of 2 billion bushels for the first time in a decade.
He said more than 70% of major companies in Japan
fall short of the legal employment ratio.
JAL agrees to hire set number of disabled people
Although several stories
fall short of Taylor's ambitious goal of "redefining black sexuality," with images of the willingly subjugated, or consciously unconscious, "man-at-any-cost" woman or, equally troublesome, the sister finding sexual empowerment in the arms of a white man (in a book of black erotica), they are countered by other tales that do fulfill Taylor's vision.
Brown Sugar
The revised manual also puts states in the hot seat by establishing sanctions to punish state survey agencies that
fall short of HCFA's enforcement expectations.
Fine prospects
Corporate sponsorship revenue for JASA, which governs Japan's amateur sports, is forecast to
fall short of the original target by 62 million yen, while a 19 million yen shortage is also seen in public donations.
Recession-hit JASA sees 200 mil. yen revenue shortfall