At a fundamental level,
greenwash standards serve and protect--rather than challenge and transform--the business models of the industries that support them.
Greenwash action: defending real sustainability standards
Understanding and preventing
Greenwash: A business guide.
Listening to the voice of the customer: four shades of the green consumer
For consumers, the best way to avoid getting "
greenwashed" is to be educated about who is truly green and who is just trying to look that way to make more money.
Dear EarthTalk: I hear the term "greenwashing" a lot these days but am still not sure exactly what it means. Can you enlighten?
The British Petroleum oil spill offers a classic case of the potential downside for companies that place
greenwash ahead of transparent disclosure.
Lack of transparency "Greenwashes" BP
Greenwash messages, for example: "switch to e-billing because it's better for the environment", imply that consumers will be choosing a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly option than print and paper.
Don't let firms whitewash environmental paper claims; POLICY
Friends of the Earth Europe also accuses the industry of attempting to "
greenwash" both policy-makers and EU citizens.
The Worst EU Lobbying and
Greenwash Awards 2007 were organized by Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe, LobbyControl and Spinwatch.
EU lobby louses
In Canada, IPM has been latched on to by lawn care businesses in an attempt to
greenwash their industry.
Integrated pest muddling
Surely this was just another act of
greenwash. What changed?
Bombers greenwashed? (green views)
Seducing you with beauty: The simplest form of
greenwash is the environmental-image advertisement.
Greenwash, Inc
Clair, reflects our "determination to
greenwash Clinton."
Slimed again
Penhill then captured the featured Stayers' Hurdle for Willie Mullins, before victories for The Storyteller and Laurina took the visitors on the verge of a '
According to a report by
Greenwash Action, a joint initiative of Sierra Club and Greenpeace, the GBI's "members and supporters" include groups that directly contradict the goals and practices of green building, such as the American Chemistry Council.
Greenwashing alert
This commercial cartoon was made by
Greenwash, a pro-environment group, noting the other shortcomings of the oil and gas giant.
British Petroleum to Fire 300 Aussie Workers in Melbourne
Even if carbon reporting is not mandatory for a company under the current legislation, reporting emissions data still offers advantages, in terms of avoiding "
greenwash," showing a commitment to the environment and complying with future legislation.
CICS Publishes New White Paper on Mandatory Carbon Reporting Following New Legislation