
Adam and Eve

slang To believe (something). The phrase comes from rhyming slang in which "Adam and Eve" rhymes with "believe." Primarily heard in UK. I can't Adam and Eve it—Bill and Sarah are finally getting married! Little Jimmy, a world-famous author. Cor, who'd have Adam and Eved it?
See also: Adam, and, eve

Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve

A phrase that uses the Bible as the basis for discouraging homosexuality. I can't believe some people still make the argument "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" in today's day and age.
See also: Adam, and, not

Eve's custom house

obsolete The vagina. The phrase refers to the Biblical Eve. Sir, Eve's custom house is closed. I am a lady, you know.
See also: custom, house

on the eve of (something)

Immediately prior to something; just before something. Sometimes literally meaning "on the evening before (something)." Militants attacked the embassy on the eve of the anniversary of the historic peace agreement. She got cold feet on the eve of her wedding and got on a plane to Europe.
See also: eve, of, on

Would you Adam and Eve it?

slang Would you believe it? The phrase comes from rhyming slang in which "Adam and Eve" rhymes with "believe." Primarily heard in UK. Would you Adam and Eve it? Bill and Sarah are finally getting married!
See also: Adam, and, eve
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

on the eve of something

Fig. just before something, possibly the evening before something. John decided to leave school on the eve of his graduation. The team held a party on the eve of the tournament.
See also: eve, of, on
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

on the eve of

Just prior to, as in On the eve of the conference the main speaker backed out. This expression uses eve, literally "the night before," more loosely. [Late 1700s]
See also: eve, of, on
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • Adam and Eve
  • Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
  • Would you Adam and Eve it?
  • believe (one's) ears
  • believe ears
  • believe one's ears
  • believe you me
  • Believe you me!
  • believe me
  • I do believe
References in periodicals archive
The assassin taunts Eve's husband Niko (Owen McDonnell) but, when Villanelle grows close to tech company heir Aaron Peel (Henry Lloyd-Hughes), it is Eve's turn to fall victim to petty jealousy.
(2015) BUILDING on an impressive CV, Eve appeared in the second series of Broadchurch as damsel in distress Claire Ripley.
Killing Eve season 3 UK release date, cast, plot, Phoebe Waller-Bridge role
'How do you move from a cat and mouse to a cat and cat?' Another of Killing Eve's talking points has been Jodie Comer's costumes, with homemade versions of the pink Molly Goddard gown she wore with biker boots becoming the Halloween outfit of 2018.
As he and Eve continued surveilling tech genius Aaron Peel in the mansion where Villanelle had been tasked to seduce him, Hugo stepped away to make a phone call.
Bodyguard, BBC1 Informer, BBC1 Killing Eve, BBC1 Save Me, Sky Atlantic
Before long, Eve's intuition puts her criminal psychology background and frustrations to good use.
A follow-up seemed never in any doubt and its British makers - who produced it for BBC America - quickly confirmed Killing Eve will be back in April in the US, with an as-yet unreleased date to follow in the UK.
However, since Eve brought Jack back to Salem, there has been an epic tug-of-war between his family and her over trying to get him to remember his life before his alleged death.
It'll hopefully prevent you from getting caught out this New Year's Eve.
However, they have confirmed that their large stores will be closed on Christmas Day, but will open for Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, with reduced trading hours.
With that in mind let's spare a thought for our local supermarket workers, who will be working right up to the wire on Christmas Eve to help you prepare for just such a crisis, with the same being true for New Year's Eve and in many cases, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
Adam & Eve Jonesboro LLC is challenging an Arkansas statute defining an adult bookstore.
Eve lives with Silas ("Grandpa"), but when suspected of being a deviant by the Brotherhood, she escapes with Silas; her best friend, Lemon; her personal robot, Cricket; and an android, Ezekiel, who has just found Eve after looking for her for two years.