
belch out

To expel, often violently. You can't see far into the distance with all of the smoke being belched out by the factories along the river.
See also: belch, out

belch up

To expel in an upward direction. You can't see far into the distance with all of the smoke being belched up from the factories along the river.
See also: belch, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

belch out

to burst, billow, or gush out. Smoke belched out of the chimney.
See also: belch, out

belch something up

to cause the release of something that goes upward. The fire belched flames and smoke up. The volcano belched up clouds of poison gasses.
See also: belch, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.


n. beer, especially bad beer. Pass the belch. Anything’s good on a hot day.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • belch out
  • belch up
  • rolfed
  • Rolfing
  • rolfs
  • come down like a ton of bricks
  • crash into
  • crash into (someone or something)
  • rage
  • air rage
References in periodicals archive
Brent Belch and Joe Forth, in addition to other partners, own the following CPR franchise locations in the Greater Charlotte area:
Push technologies dispatch web pages and news updates and may have sound and video geared to specific audiences and even individuals (Belch & Belch, 2003).
An absence of 398 days - he had "a bit of a leg" - is a concern that trainer Henry Daly readily acknowledges, but he has had Toby Belch ready to run since mid-March and was delayed only because he was waiting for good ground.
Similarly, the promotional strategy planning process (or the "Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Model" as conceived by Belch & Belch (2007, p.28)) can be separated into five strategic steps, presented in Figure 2.
Everyone says that if you are not confident about your ability you will be left behind DANNY BELCH
Chaudhuri and Akesson finished on 274, two clear of James Ruth and Danny Belch.
Of that total, nearly 5% run on diesel, including trucks and buses, which belch out daily a suffocating black smoke.
Feeding cows better food makes them produce less methane--and belch a lot less--but scientists are also looking at vaccinating the cows to make them a bit less windy or putting something extra in their feed.
There's room for improvement, many a gal will admit, if a straight man can belch the national anthem, won't go to a mall unless a food court allowance is provided, and thinks $15.
To quote from the review of the hardcover in KLIATT, January 2004: When a nasty teenage boy named Belch and his even nastier dog Raptor involve 14-year-old Meg in the attempted robbery of an old man, an unexpected explosion occurs.
"Even the loiterers on the block would stop and chat," says Belch. "They'd ask how big the house is.
This laugh-out-loud book opens with two teenagers, Meg Finn and Belch Brennan, breaking into a pensioner's home.
If a hearty belch feels good after a big meal, an unintentional cycle may begin, even though the relief it brings is only temporary.
The reading of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night centers on the "syntactic illogic" (142) of the first scene, the "unfunny comedy" (156) of Toby Belch's misfiring lines and the spectator's suppressed identification with Malvolia's resistance to the festive spirit advocated in the play, and, finally, Feste's song.