Environmental Protection Agency, to review current strategies for developing human health models and scenarios in the context of global environmental change, particularly global climate change, and to outline a research agenda that effectively characterizes the interplay of global
change with the health of human populations.
Summary of a workshop on the development of health models and scenarios: strategies for the future
If a loss corporation has a net unrealized built-in gain (NUBIG) (i.e., the gross FMV of its assets just before an ownership change exceeds such assets' aggregate tax basis), it may offset recognition of such gain during the 60-month period following the ownership
change with pre-change losses, without limit by Sec.
Safe harbors for identifying Sec. 382 RBIG or RBIL
change with an ongoing renewal process that combats the formation of vested interests, and instead fosters the creation of an organizational climate wherein employees expect necessary change and embrace it.
Do you have change agents on your staff? If not, you should seek out and encourage them (even if it's politically incorrect)
If the taxpayer changed its method of accounting for the same item within the last four years, the taxpayer must include all applicable information regarding the earlier
change with its application.(101) Similarly, if a prior application was withdrawn, not perfected, or denied during the previous four years (a reduction from six years), all applicable information, including an explanation, regarding the earlier application must be provided with the request.(102)
New procedure simplifies voluntary accounting method changes, but limits opportunities for taxpayers under examination
Staff communicated with one another in a formal way through various committees, but as the committee assignments changed, the staff members changed and the message communicated could
change with the messenger.
Streamlining in Vermont and New Hampshire
Larkin created a powerful argument for
change with their piece, "Have We Missed The Mark?" If all you read was that article (and you didn't get the chance to see T.J.'s superb presentation at the June IABC conference in Toronto), you would have taken their conclusions in World at face value and begun cancelling executive roadshows and stopped advising your executives to become more visible.
Are we necessary? The case for dismantling corporate communication
Thus the original difference between individuals who are psychiatrically disabled and individuals who ar physically disabled in percent change with respect to number of applicants - approximately 14% - increases to 17% with respect to number rehabilitated and increases again to 23% with respect to number competitively employed (Figure 9).
The baseline (no change with respect to 1977) is indicated by a solid line.
National trends in vocational rehabilitation: a comparison of individuals with physical disabilities and individuals with psychiatric disabilities
The perception of the casting designer and buyer about the casting as purchased will continue to undergo significant
change with respect to casting attributes, including product value and development time.
Managing technology in the 1990s
The selection of the team members may
change with the needs (Miller, 1997); members can move in and out as the team "subtly reconfigure(s)" (Bridges, 1996, p.
Collaborative development of dispersed experiential opportunities
Ask yourself and those who are managing the
change with you.
The 13 errors. (Next!)
Many companies are operating successful programmes of
change with clearly defined objectives.
British companies meet the challenge of change
Further, the filing of Form 3115, Application for Change in Accounting Method, to change a LIFO method is a prospective
change with no Sec.
LIFO recordkeeping and compliance
95-19 must follow the procedures and make the change for their first tax year beginning in 1995, but are given the option to make the change one year earlier and coordinate this
change with their change to the final regulations for noninterest costs.
Filing of Form 3115 may be necessary by June 19, 1995 to obtain automatic approval (including audit relief) for changes to comply with final interest capitalization regulations
Deeming only A's option as exercised would result in an ownership
change with A's interest increasing 52% (85% [110 (10 + 100) / 130 (30 + 100)] - 33% [10 / 30]].
Tips and traps under the Sec. 382 option attribution rules