Protans make fewer errors than deutans on the D15 test and the
CU2 because perceived luminous contrast is available as an aid to obtaining good results (see Table 3).
Colour vision deficiency part 2--assessment in clinical practice
Mycorrhizal colonisation of the roots significantly increased with Cu addition up to the
Cu2 treatment level and then significantly reduced at the Cu3 level compared to the
Cu2 level (Fig.
Bioavailability of copper and zinc to poplar and microorganisms in a biosolids-amended soil
CU2: NW de punta Los Barcos, Golfo de Batabano, Cuba, E-13, seibadal, 5 m, 29 VIII 1981 (IOC).
Serpulidos (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) del Caribe noroccidental: Hydroides y Serpula
Las alas posteriores son redondeadas, de color marron oscuro dorsalmente y un poco mas claras ventralmente; dorsalmente se observa linea en zigzag poco diferenciada que bordea el ala, contiguos a ella se encuentra una serie de ocelos, cuatro en total ubicados entre las celdas M2 y
Cu2, observandose que el cuarto ocelo esta bastante reducido; los ocelos son negros, rodeados por una linea roja-naranja y con un pequeno punto blanco en el centro.
Nueva especie de Mariposa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) para los Andes Colombianos
The original experiment consisted of a control plot (no biosolids), a plot receiving unspiked biosolids, and 12 plots that received surface applications of biosolids spiked with increasing amounts of Cu (Cu1,
Cu2, Cu3, Cu4), Ni (Ni1, Ni2, Ni3, Ni4), or Zn (Zn1, Zn2, Zn3, Zn4) (McLaren et al.
Changes in Cu, Ni, and Zn availability following simulated conversion of biosolids-amended forest soils back to agricultural use
Variations in the distance between the distal end of the radial planate supplement and the distal margin of the wings bounded by the end points of the intercalary vein and the radial branch in the fore-wings and length of the anal vein and shape in the region bounded between the anal supplement (Aspl), basal end of the anal vein (A3) and sec d branch of cubital vein (
Cu2) in the hindwings were also observed.
Anverso del AP con fondo de color negro y una linea delgada vertical de color rojo en el area medial que se origina del margen costal y se extiende hasta la vena
Cu2. En A.
Estudio sobre el genero Ancyluris Hubner 1819 en Colombia y descripcion de nuevos taxa (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae)
Hembra dimorfica, envergadura alar promedio 35 mm, fondo terno azul gris metalico, con el dorso del ala anterior con una notable banda blanco verdosa palido que cruza la zona medial desde la costa hasta el espacio
Cu2. Ala posterior caudada sin marcas particulares.
Nueva subespecie de Memphis aureola bates, 1866 de Mexico (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae)
This value is higher than the Cu concentration in the control plot (10 [micro]g/L), but lower than those in soil solution (DOC 38-45 mg/L) after application of biosolids (1998): 90 [micro]g/L for plot Cul, 133 [micro]g/L for
Cu2, 163 [micro]g/L for Cu3, and 252 [micro]g/L for Cu4 (Table 2).
Copper, zinc, and nickel in soil solution affected by biosolids amendment and soil management
1e-1f): Somewhat oval shaped, costa straight, termen sinuated, dorsum straight, discoidal cell more than half length of the wing; veins, Sc+ R1arises from the axillary region, short and separated from R1, humeral (h) curves toward the proximal region of the costal margin begins from Sc+R1 and Rs, M1 originated from upper apex of the discal cell, M2 originates from middle of the discal cell, M3 originates from lower apex of the cell, Cu1 parallel to
Cu2, two veins A2 and A3arise from the axillary of the wing, A2 ending at the tornus of wing, A3 ending at dorsal margin.
asterra (elongated and thin in this species) and reaches the
Cu2. The reverse is opaque and dull with the red spot translucent while asterra turns orange.
Descripcion de nuevas especies y nuevos registros de riodinidos (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) para Colombia