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cherchez la femme

A French phrase meaning "look for the woman," the idea being that when a man starts behaving strangely, it is often because he is attracted to or involved with a woman. The phrase is typically attributed to French author Alexandre Dumas. A: "Todd has started dressing better and acting much more mature lately." B: "Hmm, cherchez la femme, methinks."
See also: femme, la


1. noun, informal A woman, girl, or wife; a female. If the femmes in my life had their way, I wouldn't have this mustache.
2. noun, slang A person who is feminine in appearance and/or sensibility. Typically used of lesbians and gay men who exhibit such traits. Some lesbians describe themselves as butches, some describe themselves as femmes, and others eschew labels altogether. Julie always dates femmes.
3. adjective, slang Describing a person who is feminine in appearance and/or sensibility. Typically used of lesbians and gay men who exhibit such traits. Everyone Julie dates is femme. Some lesbians describe themselves as butch, some describe themselves as femme, and others eschew labels altogether.

femme fatale

A mysterious and attractive woman who puts men in dangerous or compromising situations. James Bond is always able to see through the evil plot of the femme fatale.
See also: fatale, femme
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

(be) a ˌfemme faˈtale

(from French) a beautiful woman that men find sexually attractive but who brings them trouble or unhappiness: The movie follows the relationship between sexy femme fatale Suzy and young lawyer Jim, which eventually leads to a murderous crime of passion.
The meaning of the French expression is ‘disastrous woman’.
See also: fatale, femme
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

femme fatale

An attractive woman who is, for one reason or another, dangerous. French for “fatal woman,” the term has been used in English since about 1900, and today it is often used more ironically than seriously. Michael Arlen used it in The Green Hat (1924): “So you heard about it from that femme fatale, did you?” Much more recently Richard Dyer used it in the sense of “very glamorous” in describing the singer who played the leading role in the opera Carmen: “She’s physically and vocally limber, and revels in her femme-fatale look” (Boston Globe, March 24, 2005).
See also: fatale, femme
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer

cherchez la femme

This French phrase that translates as “look for a woman,” originated with the elder Alexandre Dumas in his novel The Mohicans of Paris. Its meaning is that unusual male behavior can often be traced to involvement with a female. For example, countless generations of adolescent boys who never paid attention to their wardrobe or personal grooming suddenly became interested in clothing fashions. They washed their face and combed their hair without being told to, and spent hours chatting on the telephone (now a computer or handheld device) with the classic teenage boy's dreamy/dopey look on their face. Their parents would regard the phenomenon with a knowing and bemused expression as they told each other, “cherchez la femme.”
See also: femme, la
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • cherchez la femme
  • big-girl pants
  • big-boy pants
  • blouse
  • a big girl's blouse
  • big girl's blouse
  • illin'
  • illin’
  • illing
  • on the alert
References in periodicals archive
Cette rencontre, tenue sous le theme [beaucoup moins que]Le renouveau pragmatique de l'autonomisation de la Femme par l'Exemple[beaucoup plus grand que] a ete l'occasion d'echanger sur la cooperation des pays par rapport a l'implication des femmes dans le domaine de la paix et de la securite, les solutions pratiques au demarrage effectif de l'autonomisation de la femme africaine et d'ailleurs, les preoccupations qui peuvent constituer des freins a l'autonomisation des femmes, les droits fondamentaux des femmes et les moyens de promouvoir des exemples feminins qui inspirent et impactent.
A cette occasion, l'ambassadrice a annonce qu'un projet de creation d'un reseau arabe des femmes et de la paix et l'installation d'un comite d'urgence pour la protection des femmes lors des conflits armes sera soumis a la commission de la femme arabe pour validation les 4 et 6 mars prochains.
"Elle a fort salue le peuple egyptien "hommes, femmes, vieilles, enfants, musulmans et chretiens".
Femme du Monde, Femme universelle, Accad milite avec tout ce que l'humain peut disposer pour faire valoir les droits bafoues de la femme Moyen-Orientale, la Justice, la Sante, la therapie et la psychotherapie.
D'autre part, les quatre fonctions principales qu'assigne Genette (1987) a l'epigraphe (expliciter le titre, commenter le texte, profiter du renom de l'auteur cite, rattacher le texte citant aux traditions litteraires du texte cite) permettent d'etablir le role surdeterminant de "Femme noire" dans l'elaboration de la signification de Femme nue, femme noire, et ainsi d'apprecier les dissemblances et liens entre Senghor et Beyala.
Smith, Stealey and other mafia femmes discussed their femme community at Femme 2006's "The Atlanta Femme Mafia: Exploring and Creating Our Fabulous Femme Communities." Want to create a mafia of your own?
The femme holds her hand at arm's length and looks at the back of her hand, as you would if you were assessing an engagement ring.
II s'ensuit l'apport des perceptions, des experience, des connaissances et des interets des femmes aussi bien que des hommes a mettre dans la conception des politiques, la planification et la prise de decisions.
As two butches talk about their relationships, one (played by Dee) admits that she laid hands on her girlfriend "because I love her so." When this character later strikes her partner onstage, the femme retorts, "No one hits me and gets away with it--and take these ugly-ass shoes you bought me!" Ripping them off her feet and throwing them on the floor, she exits to the cheers of the fans.
'BUTCH" AND "FEMME" roles have been part of lesbian culture since the 19th century and are said to be undergoing a resurgence in the American lesbian community.
Their latest collaboration, Brazen Femme: Queering Femininity, seeks to define, make visible and celebrate she who has been most misunderstood: the femme lesbian.
Au fil des ans, le Caucus des femmes liberales a oeuvre de facon collective pour preconiser une plus grande egalite entre les sexes dans des comites importants comme ceux de la justice et des finances; c'est ainsi qu'une femme s'est ajoutee a celui-ci, et que celui-la compte maintenant autant de femmes que d'hommes.