
Related to service: service industry, Customer service
  • (something) as a service
  • a skeleton crew/staff/service
  • at (one's) service
  • at service
  • at someone's service
  • at your service
  • be at (one's) service
  • be at somebody's service
  • be of service
  • be of service (to someone or something)
  • bring (something) into service
  • bring into service
  • call my service
  • come into service
  • do (one) a service
  • do (one) no service
  • do somebody a/no service
  • fan service
  • give lip service to (something)
  • go into service
  • go into the service
  • go out of service
  • in service
  • lip service
  • lip service, to give/pay
  • of service
  • of service (to someone or something)
  • of service to someone, be
  • out of service
  • pay lip service
  • pay lip service to (something)
  • pay lip service to something
  • pay lip-service to something
  • press (someone or something) into service
  • press into service
  • press somebody/something into service
  • put (something) in service
  • put (something) into service
  • put in service
  • see service
  • software as a service
  • streaming service
  • yeoman's service
References in classic literature
The chanting of the service ceased, and the voice of the priest was heard respectfully congratulating the dying man on having received the sacrament.
'Because they will take me away,' says I, 'and put me to service, and I can't work housework.' 'Well, child,' says she, 'but though you can't work housework, as you call it, you will learn it in time, and they won't put you to hard things at first.' 'Yes, they will,' says I, 'and if I can't do it they will beat me, and the maids will beat me to make me do great work, and I am but a little girl and I can't do it'; and then I cried again, till I could not speak any more to her.
It was giving some people too little service and others too much.
My squire, God's curse upon him, is better at unloosing his tongue in talking impertinence than in tightening the girths of a saddle to keep it steady; but however I may be, allen or raised up, on foot or on horseback, I shall always be at your service and that of my lady the duchess, your worthy consort, worthy queen of beauty and paramount princess of courtesy."
What reasonable cause of apprehension can be inferred from a power in the Union to prescribe regulations for the militia, and to command its services when necessary, while the particular States are to have the SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE APPOINTMENT OF THE OFFICERS?
The distance which many of the representatives will be obliged to travel, and the arrangements rendered necessary by that circumstance, might be much more serious objections with fit men to this service, if limited to a single year, than if extended to two years.
She remarked that, reckoning from the year when I started as page-boy in the time of the old lord, I had been more than fifty years in her service, and she put into my hands a beautiful waistcoat of wool that she had worked herself, to keep me warm in the bitter winter weather.
No person held to Service or Labor in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labor, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due.
During this time he has borne the school upon his heart night and day, and is never so happy as when he is performing some service, no matter how humble, for it.
I serve the queen and that draws me naturally into the service of the cardinal; but I serve the one with joy and the other against my will.
When the company were all collected and quiet, a religious service was begun with prayer.
Holy Father Nicholas, teacher of temperance!' he thought, recalling the service of the day before and the holy icon with its black face and gilt frame, and the tapers which he sold to be set before that icon and which were almost immediately brought back to him scarcely burnt at all, and which he put away in the store-chest.
This secret service for the enemy must hamper him a lot, but it's better than lying in a refuge."
He felt a slight disappointment, however, when he saw that this place was already taken by a compeer named Mousqueton, and when Porthos signified to him that the state of his household, though great, would not support two servants, and that he must enter into the service of D'Artagnan.
We must try in the first place to realize clearly the conditions under which the church service, the mass, was conducted during all the medieval centuries.