

Someone who meekly submits to mistreatment or humiliation by others. Jim had been a doormat his whole life until he went to that motivational speaker five years ago; now, he's one of the most respected men in the business.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a weak-willed person who is abused by others. Why do people treat me like a doormat?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • professional victim
  • red-headed stepchild
  • stepchild
  • Have I made myself clear?
  • Go ahead, make my day
  • Go ahead, make my day.
  • for all problems
  • dog out
  • save face
  • save someone's face
References in periodicals archive
Doormats may help with a comprehensive allergy-fighting plan, too, says Stephen Kimura, a board-certified allergist in Pensacola, Florida.
It says to remove the doormat immediately but if they want to dispose of it, they can.
Det Con Steve Tarver, said: "The owner slid the key under the doormat for his girlfriend - but not long after he left for work it was taken and the burglars simply let themselves in."
Doormats are not only a way to prevent dirt in your house, but can also be a way to express your personality, hobbies or sense of style.
This cute sausage dog doormat is pounds 15 from Paperchase.
Doormat by Kelly McWilliams Delacorte Press, September 2004 $15.95, ISBN 0-385-73168-X
NBC even commandeered the ice rink at Rockefeller Center and turned it into a gigantic red and blue map, which served as a doormat for the shafts of red and blue light climbing up the side of the General Electric building as the competition stiffened.
SIR Alex Ferguson's dossier into the Battle of Old Trafford II has finally landed on the FA doormat.
Kelly McWilliams' novel Doormat (0385731-68X, $15.95) tells Jamie's discovery of her best friend's pregnancy.
Our wombat goes from sleeping and eating grass on Monday to fighting battles with a flat hairy creature (a doormat) on Wednesday.
DOUBTLESS there will have been a large English invasion - of the (relatively) friendly kind, of course - for the heats of a quite magnificent totesport Scottish Derby at Shawfield last night and the longest travelers will probably just about be getting home as this edition hits the doormat.
* Use a doormat to reduce tracking-in of dirt end particles.
SIR: The Review dropped onto the doormat during breakfast this morning.
Edgar Hoover--he never let the Bureau become a doormat for White House aides," Safire said.
Disabled or not, no one really cares for a doormat.