by water

by water

Via water as a means of transportation; by boat or ship. There are no landing strips or helipads, so the island can only be reached by water. Our coasts are well defended, so the attack is not likely to come by water.
See also: by, water
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • take in water
  • body of water
  • between wind and water
  • float through
  • float through (something)
  • in smooth water
  • in smooth water(s)
  • make water
  • Adam's ale
  • ale
References in periodicals archive
The campaign launch, organized by Kairos, a national, ecumenical justice coalition, and the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, included a ceremony rich with symbolism in which clean water was poured into a larger jar and carried away by water bearers.
The solution is to use gas assist to do most of the work of coring out the part, which is completed by water. Gas also provides an efficient way to expel water from the part at the end of the molding cycle.
Island: A body of land, smaller than a continent, that is entirely surrounded by water.
Much of the West's integral agriculture, livestock and recreation industries have been seriously threatened by water scarcity, and the region has endured catastrophic wildfire seasons.
Constantinople was also crossed by water conduits that strode over valleys like giant bridges.
As highlighted by the recent Earth Summit in South Africa, we live on a planet which is largely covered by water but is increasingly short of drinkable supplies.
In most cases, the sulfur is being dissolved and carried by water moving through the ground on its way to the well.
Colonization is enhanced by water stagnation and sediment buildup as a result of alterations in the plumbing of the complex distribution systems often found in hospital hotwater systems.
While the absolute numbers of rural population not served by water or sanitation have decreased during this decade over the developing regions, the absolute numbers of population in urban areas not served by water supply and sanitation have actually increased.
Specifically, Rothschild noticed that his Jamaica, Queens, and New Jersey buildings were saving 20 to 30 percent by water metering.
Spirit's close-up examination will seek sedimentary layers of rock that might be present and determine whether the rock was chemically altered by water that vanished long ago.
The front also cools the melt as it is pushed down the mold cavity by water pressure.
Consequently the AMA "is not prepared to state that no harm will be done to any person by water fluoridation."
Possibly some form of a water market mechanism could be created where by water can be sold to the highest bidder, which undoubtedly will be the Palestinian urban consumers.
Bouncing a laser beam off the Martian landscape, the altimeter found evidence of valleys carved by water and huge basins that may once have held more than seven times the water in the Mediterranean Sea (SN: 12/9/00, p.