Moreover, much about the same time as Firenzuola was writing, Botticelli's blonde, angular, retrousse women were breaking every one of that beauty- master's canons, perfect in beauty none the less; and lovers then, and perhaps particularly now, have found the perfect beauty in faces to which Messer Firenzuola would have denied the name of face at all,
by virtue of a quality which indeed he has tabulated, but which is far too elusive and undefinable, too spiritual for him truly to have understood,--a quality which nowadays we are tardily recognising as the first and last of all beauty, either of nature or art,--the supreme, truly divine, because materialistically unaccountable, quality of Charm!
Quest of the Golden Girl
Stability is a matter of having the ability to "get it right" in varying conditions,
by virtue of the firmness of one's grasp of the demands the virtue makes, and just because one never actually finds oneself tested does not mean that one has the untested virtue.
What knowledge is necessary for virtue?
By virtue of their profession, doctors and nurses have more stringent obligations of beneficence than most.
Virulent epidemics and scope of healthcare workers' duty of care
By way of contrast, in the participation approach to goodness, human beings "are good
by virtue of their participation in God who is Goodness-Itself" (p.
Virtues (natural and theological) moral selfhood, goodness, and god
Are there fundamental, natural rights that all persons deserve to enjoy merely
by virtue of being human?
Ethics: time to revisit the basics
Only the people,
by virtue of their rights, could consent to taxation.
Eyewitness to the Revolution: David Ramsay's contemporary account of America's War for Independence emphasizes the pivotal role of colonial culture in the conflict
Book 2 of Don Quixote showed that Don Quixote does in fact attain fame, but only
by virtue of being the subject of an entertaining novel.
According to this view of flourishing, a person's most basic aim is not simply to live a successful human life as such, but to live a successful version of the kind of life that she is characteristically motivated to seek by virtue of her individual core traits.
Not surprisingly, this person will enjoy certain benefits by virtue of having her motivational life informed by its corresponding hierarchy.
Human flourishings: a psychological critique of virtue ethics
An interest is a stake that someone has in the outcomes or "issues" of events.(2) Someone can have a stake
by virtue of occupying a social role.
Ethics in the management of health care organizations
Despite the fact that this theory is widely held by virtue of its fixture into popular piety and religious doctrine, it must be seen to have one major flaw: it is rationally incoherent and therefore cannot be seriously believed by anyone willing to consider its implications.
Annihilation of personal identity is everywhere the same, whether by virtue of union with God or by virtue of dispersal among the galaxies.
How shall I think about death?