Lee wrote: "The attraction of a flash character [Brian Wright] who carried bundles of banknotes and evidently sailed
close to the wind was too much for Bradley."
Eight-year ban given extensive press coverage
Skrtel has been sailing
close to the wind for some time with his jersey-tugging antics, not helped by the plethora of replays that expose his approach to an almost cringe-inducing level.
Martin shirt-pull, more like
Recorder Anthony Hawks warned Brown she was ''sailing
close to the wind'''' and he warned her that she would go to prison if she got involved in drugs again.
Woman hid drugs in bra
Okay he has sailed very
close to the wind at times, especially with the golden ticket scheme and the money from that going to the taxman, but what club is financially secure?.
Ridsdale delivered on his big promises; WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT PETER RIDSDALE..
But he has sailed
close to the wind. Last year, he was found guilty of false accounting and got a three-month suspended sentence.
The Glaciere project aims to keep disadvantaged children sailing
close to the wind on the straight and narrow.
Youngsters find a new direction by earning their sea legs
SHADOW pensions secretary David Willetts said the Chancellor was "sailing pretty
close to the wind".
Brown 'sailing close to wind'
The spunky Scotsman, one of that rare breed of broadcasters who flies
close to the wind in live transmissions, welcomes Martin O'Neill into his lair.
Pick of the day
"Having been lucky enough to perform for Prince Charles and Prince William in recent years, I look forward to the opportunity of sailing a little too
close to the wind in the presence of Prince Harry this time!" Did you know?The gala evening has been staged since 1912, making it the longest-running annual entertainment show in the world.
Festive spectacle; BEST TV We love Kylie Minogue is one lining up for the Royal of the many superstars Variety Performance
"This club is sailing very
close to the wind in terms of ceasing to exist.
Fans group still hopes to buy into Reds
Judge Beatrice Bolton warned him: "You are sailing pretty
close to the wind."
Club arrest for drugs
Although Gae was sailing rather
close to the wind when he first called the highlystrung makeup girl `piggy', he wasn't to know that Tania takes a bit of harmless ribbing about as well as water turns into wine.
In the 1993 report, an officer notes that Hamilton "has undoubtedly sailed very
close to the wind for many years".
Nats rap as ban is lifted on Dunblane papers
CHRIS "call me Chris, man" Davies, the region's Euro MP, has been sailing
close to the wind with calls for all drugs to be made legal.
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