ball of fire

Related to ball of fire: Gary Cooper

ball of fire

An ambitious and enthusiastic person. I always knew that Lauren would grow up to be successful—she was a real ball of fire as a kid.
See also: ball, fire, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

ball of fire

 and fireball
an energetic and ambitious person; a go-getter. That guy is a real ball of fire when it comes to sales. I don't want to hire some young fireball. I need wisdom and thoughtfulness.
See also: ball, fire, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

ball of fire

A dynamic, energetic, and successful individual, as in I hope Pat joins us; she's a real ball of fire. [Slang; early 1800s]
See also: ball, fire, of
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a ball of fire

a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm.
In the early 19th century this phrase was also used to mean ‘a glass of brandy’.
See also: ball, fire, of
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

ball of fire

and fireball
n. an energetic and ambitious person; a go-getter. That guy is a real ball of fire when it comes to sales. Wilfred ain’t no fireball, but he gets his stuff in on time.
See also: ball, fire, of
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • a ball of fire
  • fireball
  • be no ball of fire
  • put some reverse English on it
  • in play
  • in/out of play
  • have a ball
  • advance the ball
  • v-ball
  • bounce (something) back and forth
References in periodicals archive
Michael Hawkins plays Everton legend Alan Ball, in Ball of Fire, at the Epstein Theatre
Within moments, a ball of fire lands on him, causing him to immediately jump off his chair to dodge the fireball.
Ball of Fire Media is a high impact brand division of Atlanta based, Ball of Fire Inc., that brings educational and entertaining programs, events, merchandise, authorship licensing and opportunities to its fans, followers, clients, students, creatives, investors, clients and audiences.
"Within seconds we were thinking, 'gosh, that plane is going rather low.' .' There was a ball of fire, we didn't even hear an impact, and then plumes of black smoke." Ms Raymond said commentators at the event described the situation to the crowds as a "tragic incident", and that the incident was outside the airfield boundary.
Afif Krisht, 55, who had dual British-Lebanese nationality, and an unnamed British national were on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 409 from Beirut to Addis Ababa when it burst into a ball of fire and plunged into the sea off Lebanon, just minutes after taking off in stormy weather.
According to eye-witnesses, a "ball of fire" was seen in the sky before crashing into the Sea.
An Ethiopian jet carrying 90 people plunged into the sea off the coast of Lebanon in a ball of fire just after takeoff in a stormy weather early Monday with no sign of survivors.
Outgoing Minister Alain Tabourian handed over the rein of responsibilities to Bassil who described his task as a "ball of fire."Aa
Witness Gianfranco Bini said: "We saw a ball of fire rising up to the sky.
After several crashes in the US and one in Korea, Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov turned his pounds 525,000 supercar into a ball of fire after hitting a tree just outside Nice.
As the sun continued to rise, the pinks became deeper, the reds became richer, and brilliant oranges and yellows joined in the dance, until finally, there it was--the most amazingly bright orangy-yellow ball of fire rising above the horizon.
"And this is the story / That the Earth told the Child // In the beginning / There was stillness // In the beginning / There was motion // My blazing ball of fire quieted // The stars in the night / Called me their sister // The shafts of sunlight split / Framing colored mirrors // The Rainbow encircled me with its embrace."
'As we were inside the mosque we saw a ball of fire and heard a huge explosion,' said Tahir Abdullah Sultan.
When it burst into flames, it was a ball of fire. It looked like someone had dropped a can of napalm there."
Given its subject, "Ball of Fire" should be consistently fascinating but Kanfer shows only intermittent enthusiasm.