bustle around

bustle around

To move quickly while trying to complete a task. Because her relatives are coming to visit, Annabelle is bustling around, cleaning the whole house and setting up all the guest rooms.
See also: around, bustle
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

bustle around

to move about very busily. The people were bustling around, trying to get things ready for the picnic. I wish you would stop bustling around.
See also: around, bustle
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • bustle
  • bustle about
  • bustle about doing
  • bustle about some place
  • burst a blood vessel
  • at pains, be at
  • be at pains
  • be at pains to do something
  • at pains
  • at pains to
References in classic literature
Although in a state of perfect repose, and apparently disregarding, with characteristic stoicism, the excitement and bustle around him, there was a sullen fierceness mingled with the quiet of the savage, that was likely to arrest the attention of much more experienced eyes than those which now scanned him, in unconcealed amazement.
Having crisp and clear audio can deeply change your commute, or help you escape from the hustle and bustle around you.
She, perhaps, was not wrong as girls thronging makeshift henna and bangle stalls raised on road side, could be noticed absolutely indifferent towards the hustle and bustle around.
The fact that over 400 institutes no longer bustle around the city like a few years back is above all an effect of the financial crisis, as well as a result of the wave of consolidations that has since taken place.
Tables are closely set and waiters bustle around delivering good value 'cicchetti' - tasty Venetian small plates that are designed for sharing.
You walk in the door and almost feel like you enter a new world because it contrasts with the bustle around it.
Maybe it was the hustle and bustle around me or that Christmassy feeling you get when the first lights pop up.
The sound will be all too familiar but the hustle and bustle around the shiny new rail will of course be of a different kind!
The trees will give shoppers the opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle around them and lose themselves in a good book.
An analyst at Okasan Online Securities Co then explained the bustle around the company's stock through its stable position in the food industry and its resilience to economic shocks.
In the bustle around a X90 bus stalling at Abu Dhabi Bus Station, private drivers hope to poach some Al Ain-bound passengers for the price of Dh20.
IF YOU look at the seasonal bustle around Church Street and Liverpool One, and all the queues of traffic forming at city centre car parks, you could be forgiven for doubting the validity of all the economic doom and gloom that the official statistics portray.
I was thinking Catterick in April and just how amazing it would be to watch Born To Run bustle around the parade ring minutes before her debut.
Workers bustle around, fixing tyres and bumpers on to trucks.
It was 15 years since the end of the Second World War and Timothy noticed that there was more bustle around London compared to when he had left.