If during the time in which John May must have killed Charles May, if he killed him at all, Charles May was miles away from where John May must have been, it is plain that the deceased must have come to his death
at the hands of someone else.
Present At A Hanging And Other Ghost Stories
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) found that of the approximately 87,000 women and girls intentionally killed in 2017, about 58 percent died
at the hands of someone who was either an "intimate partner" or a relative.
United Nations finds that the deadliest place for women is their home
He said: "If Canelo has genuinely taken drugs then ban him but it won't change until someone dies
at the hands of someone on steroids because then it's premeditated murder.
Boxing won't tackle drug cheats till one murders a ring rival; Bellew: Doping is rife in fight game and soft bans are a joke
"But it genuinely won't change until - and I'm sorry to say it - until someone dies
at the hands of someone on steroids, because then it's premeditated murder.
Only a 'murder' will change drug bans; BOXING; BELLEW FEARS 'CHEAT' WILL KILL A RIVAL
Victims knew killer NINETY per cent of women killed by men last year died
at the hands of someone they knew, statistics have revealed.
Victims knew killer
"But it's horrifying to think of the amount of violence and suffering this child must have endured
at the hands of someone he should have been able to trust.
He used a belt, a rod and his fists to cause the terrible injuries..
The Alcohol's Harms to Others report found almost one in five adults (18%) had felt physically threatened by someone who had been drinking, one in 10 (11%) had property damaged by a drinker and one in 20 suffered violence
at the hands of someone under the influence of alcohol.
Report highlights effects of drinking on others
Our lives have been ripped apart and we have lost two beautiful people
at the hands of someone who should have protected them."
Mentally-ill man gets life for killing mother and sister; UK &WORLD
As her body is dragged by her killer, readers are privy to her reactions to the moments leading up to her brutal beating death
at the hands of someone who did not like Serena's investigative reporting for her school paper.
Schindler, Holly. Feral
It is well known that there are a greater number of instances when serious violence, even murder, happens it is
at the hands of someone the victim knows more than a stranger.
Good that crime is taken seriously; FEEDBACK
Women aged between 16 and 24 experiences the highest rates of violence
at the hands of someone they know.
Becks and Jeremy Lin campaign against violence towards women
In 1985, only 20% of the city's murder victims died
at the hands of someone they didn't know.
A cold-bloodied trend
"She died
at the hands of someone she loved and trusted.
Our family destroyed by the loved and trusted ex-boyfriend who killed our Rebecca; DEVASTATED RELATIVES SPEAK OUT AFTER GUILTY VERDICT
Violence and abuse
at the hands of someone you know and love is closer than you may think.
Crossing the Tees