dry powder

dry powder

finance Cash reserves kept to cover unforeseen future obligations or purchases; low-risk liquid assets or securities that can easily be converted to cash. I learned early on in my career that any viable business has to have dry powder ready for anything. I've kept a decent amount of dry powder on hand, so we should be able to get through your unemployment.
See also: dry, powder
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • ready cash
  • by check
  • cash in hand
  • cash down
  • cash or credit
  • cold, hard cash
  • hard cash
  • cold cash
  • cash
  • chance
References in periodicals archive
Release date- 03092019 - Industry dry powder, or uncalled investment capital, continues to grow for alternative investment managers amid elevated market multiples and increasing late-cycle behavior, such as loosening deal terms and structures.
TFF Pharmaceuticals expects that these dry powder formulations, which can be delivered directly to the lungs via inhaler, will avoid certain negative side effects that come from delivering these drugs systematically.
G2B Pharma CEO and epinephrine dry powder spray inventor Dr Nigel Fleming said, 'We are excited to see this important product move forward with the StellaPharma team and are eager to contribute to its development and commercial success.'
direct lending, the largest proportion of private debt dry powder, is often done through business development companies lending directly to the middle market, primarily in first and second lien positions.
You wont find any white knights in "Dry Powder." In this world of one-percenters, the armor is mostly gray.
Dry powder inhalation is an important pathway for drug delivery, and overcomes the challenges presented by aerosol formulations and nebulizers.
The second section of the manuscript is dedicated to dry powder coating technique and force controlling agents including their influence on drug dispersion and disposition pattern.
It also provides information about clinical trials in progress, which includes trial phase, trial status, trial start and end dates, and, the number of trials for the key Dry Powder Inhaler Devices pipeline products.
EMD Millipore's compaction technology compacts dry powder cell culture media into granules, accelerating solubility and improving flowability and handling.
Police and paramilitary forces also use pepper gun containing super irritant Capsaicin in the form of concentrated dry powder. The gun can be used from a distance of 50 metres and the dry powder creates dust, temporarily blinding the target for three to five minutes within which the suspect can be apprehended.
He said: "Dry powder fire extinguishers all work in generally the same way, the only difference with your car extinguisher is that it's a smaller size.
New experimental data published by Malvern Instruments illustrate the real-world capability and flexibility of the Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction system for the particle size measurement of dry powders. Equipped with the unique Aero S dry dispersion unit, the Mastersizer 3000 breaks new ground in dry powder particle sizing and experimental results are described in "Extending the boundaries of laser diffraction measurements: Enhanced dry dispersion with the Aero S", a new publication on the Malvern website.
Deal-making poised to intensify in 2012 according to Bain & Company Global Private Equity report with nearly $1 trillion in 'dry powder' - roughly half slated for buyouts - widely dispersed among private equity (PE) firms of all sizes and types worldwide.
DUBAI -- Private equity firms will propel deal-making forward in 2012 as they race to put vast sums of ageing "dry powder" to work before investment periods expire, but could face strong headwinds, according to a latest report by Bain & Company, the world's leading advisor to the private equity industry.
Inhaled medications for asthma are available as pressurized metered dose inhaler, metered dose inhaler with spacer, breath-actuated metered dose inhaler, dry powder inhalers, soft mist inhalers and nebulized or wet aerosols.