I AGREE with FSH, of Newcastle, about the amount of money so-called professional footballers get these days for kicking a
bag of wind around for 90 minutes.
Vent Your Spleen
Despite all that has happened to him in the past nine months, Kelvin Davis tells Stuart Rayner he refuses to get carried away by the highs, lows and contradictions of fending off a
bag of wind.
Davis blowing windbags away
Takes his seat, whistle goes, 22 players chase
bag of wind, yada yada yada.
Gordon Waddell: BACK WHERE THEY STARTED; Hearts have learned nothing
If the idea of 22 grown men kicking a
bag of wind around a pitch leaves you cold, then Post Style can offer a helping hand.
Offer Style: Make the most of your city
Forget the Swansea thing, it was nice to see the greatest footballer to have ever kicked a
bag of wind on a Welsh field being made a fuss of.
Gentle Giant would make great Knight
Secondly, I take issue with his offensive remark about 22 men kicking a
bag of wind about.
[0] Sports Letter
We've no interest in overpaid blokes kicking a
bag of windLETTERS: your views
However, when your job is kicking a
bag of wind about and you are being paid about PS150,000 per week to do so, the fans should expect decent performances and not the utter tripe that we have had to endure in almost every tournament since 1966.
England play same stagnant football; Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: letters@birminghammail.co.uk Twitter: @birminghammail Facebook: facebook.com/birminghammail Post: Birmingham Mail, Floor 6, Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, B24 9FF
Most football fans tune in to watch Match of the Day because they want to see the bit where 22 men chase a
bag of wind around a pitch.
Hard to defend, Al
WATCHING football today tends to make me sick over the money players get for kicking a
bag of wind around a field for 90 minutes.
Vent your spleen
His favourite phrase was: "It's just 22 lads kicking a
bag of wind - anything can happen."
But he's not up to much except kicking a
bag of wind around a football pitch.
Fiona Phillips: Your Shout
I have been a football fan for 40 years but it is only a game where 22 men chase a
bag of wind up and down a field.
But seriously, working in a nick can't be a walk in a park, so why should standing on a touch-line in an Armani trench-coat watching 22 blokes kick a
bag of wind around be stressful?
Grave concerns for soccer stress
Whatever the outcome of the June election, don't expect anything that you have been promised, because hot air never produced anything but a
bag of wind.
Actions speak louder than politicians' words; Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: letters@birminghammail.co.uk Twitter: @birminghammail Facebook: facebook.com/birminghammail Post: Birmingham Mail, Floor 6, Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, B24 9FF